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16 Signs You’re Dating a Good Black Man

If you have been on the dating arena, chances are you’ve come across the infamous phrase 'all men are dogs.' Well, just because you...

Black is King |Beyonce Takes the Stage for Blackness

3 Beyonce’s recent doings that shows she's the unlikely black ‘savior’ for 2020 They say that history is written by the victors. Undoubtedly, when history...

English Premier League (EPL) stands with Black Lives Matter Movement| Manchester...

In this multicultural world, we can cite many positive things that we’ve learnt from one another. Unfortunately, not everyone views things that way. That’s...

5 Most Fashionable Black Female Celebrities

If you are looking to know the most fashionable black female celebrities of the 21st century, then you’re in luck. We’ve got you covered.  It's...

I Am Not a Number, And I’m More Than a Covid-19...

Sam Adewumi Eulogizes Jonathan Adewumi and other Covid-19 Victims In a Poem Much has been said about this US-African community giant: Jonathan Adewumi. A US-African...