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7 Attitudes to Leave Behind in the New Year for a...

As the new year begins, it's a great time to reflect on the attitudes we hold that may be holding us back from our...

5 Ways Technology is Revolutionizing Worship in Churches

Technology has become an integral part of our lives. And it is no surprise that it is also making its way into churches. While...

12 Self-Help Tips to Take You Beyond Limits

Self-help has become increasingly popular in recent years as people seek to improve their lives, achieve their goals, and take themselves beyond their limits....

7 Signs That God Speaks to You

God has a plan for each and every human. Jeremiah 29:11 confirmed it. Even in the midst of life's chaos, God is always speaking....

7 Budget friendly Christmas Gift Ideas to Gift your loved ones

The holiday season is here. It's time to start thinking about Christmas gifts for your loved ones. Christmas is a time for giving. If...