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7 Signs That God Speaks to You

7 Signs That God Speaks to You
Photo credit: Freepix

God has a plan for each and every human. Jeremiah 29:11 confirmed it. Even in the midst of life’s chaos, God is always speaking. But it is unfortunate that we are too preoccupied to hear from Him. As believers, we are called to live a life of service and reference to God. And nothing is more important than that. In that case, it is our job to be fully attentive so we can hear when God speaks. God speaks to us through His Word, through prayer, and through other people. But sometimes, we may feel like we’re not hearing God’s voice or that we’re not sure if what we are hearing is really from Him.

If you’re feeling this way, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many Christians struggle with discerning God’s voice. But the good news is that God wants to communicate with us and will make His messages clear if we’re willing to listen. 

In this post,  we share 7 signs that God may be trying to tell you something. And you can become more attuned to God’s voice by learning to recognise these signs.

#1. A Strong Sense of Urgency

Have you ever felt a strong sense of urgency about something, but you’re not sure why? Maybe you feel like you need to take a certain action or make a certain decision, but you’re not sure where these feelings are coming from.

This could be a sign that God is speaking to you. Often, when God wants us to take action, He will give us a sense of urgency to motivate us. For example, if you’re feeling a strong sense of urgency to reach out to a friend who is going through a difficult time, it could be a sign that God wants you to be a source of comfort and support for that person.

If you’re feeling this way, take some time to pray and ask God for guidance. He may be trying to tell you something important. Ask Him to reveal His will to you and to give you the wisdom and courage to take the appropriate action.

#2. A Repetitive Message

Have you ever noticed that you keep hearing the same message over and over again? Maybe you hear it in a sermon, a conversation with a friend, or something you read. This could be a sign that God is trying to get your attention.

When God wants to communicate something to us, He often uses repetition to make sure we get the message. For example, if you keep hearing messages about forgiveness, it could be a sign that God is trying to encourage you to forgive someone who has hurt you.

If you find yourself hearing the same message repeatedly, pay attention. God may be trying to tell you something important. Take some time to pray and seek guidance from God. Ask Him to help you understand the message and to give you the strength to act on it.

#3. Feeling of Peace

When God speaks to us, He often gives us a feeling of peace. This is especially true when He’s telling us to do something that may be difficult or challenging. If you’re feeling a sense of peace about a decision or action, it could be a sign that God is leading you in that direction.

God speaks
Photo credit: Freepix

Of course, it’s important to ensure that this feeling of peace comes from God and not just your own desires or preferences. Spend time in prayer and ask God to confirm that this is His will for you. Ask Him to give you a sense of peace that surpasses all understanding, as the Bible promises in Philippians 4:7.

#4. Confirmation from Others

Sometimes, God will use other people to confirm His messages to us. Maybe a friend or family member will say something that seems to directly speak to what you’re going through. Or maybe you’ll hear a sermon or read something that seems to be speaking directly to you.

God speaks
Photo credit: Freepix

When this happens, it’s important to pay attention. God often uses others to confirm His messages and give us the courage to act. For example, if you’re struggling with a decision, and a trusted friend or mentor gives you advice that aligns with what you’re feeling in your heart, it could be a sign that God is confirming His will through that person.

Whenever you receive confirmation from others, take some time to pray and seek guidance from God. Ask Him to confirm His will to you and to give you the courage and wisdom to act on it.

Recommended: Signs That Show You Are Backsliding

#5. Change in Circumstances

Have you ever experienced a sudden change in circumstances that seems to be pointing you in a certain direction? Maybe you lost your job, or you received an unexpected opportunity. Sometimes, God uses these changes to guide us in a new direction.

God speaks
Photo credit: Freepix

Of course, it’s important to make sure that these changes are truly from God and not just random events. Spend time in prayer and ask God to confirm His will for you. Ask Him to give you the wisdom to discern His hand in the circumstances and to give you the courage to act on His will.

#6. Deep Conviction

Sometimes, God will speak to us through a deep conviction or sense of right and wrong. Maybe you feel convicted about a certain behaviour or action or feel responsible for doing something specific.

When this happens, it’s important to pay attention. God often speaks to us through our conscience, and He may be trying to direct us in a certain way. For instance, if you feel convicted about a certain habit or behaviour, it could be a sign that God is calling you to repentance and transformation. However, a deep conviction about something may mean you need time to pray and seek guidance from God. Ask Him to confirm His will to you and to give you the strength and wisdom to act on it.

#7. Compelling Desire

Finally, sometimes God will use a compelling desire to guide us in a certain direction. Maybe you feel a strong desire to do something, even if it doesn’t make sense or seems impractical.

When this happens, it’s important to spend time in prayer and seek confirmation from God. He may be trying to lead you in a new direction, but it’s important to ensure that this desire comes from Him and not just from your own desires or preferences. Ask Him to reveal His will to you and to give you the courage and wisdom to act on it.

A wrap

Discerning God’s messages can be challenging, but it’s an important part of our Christian walk. By learning to recognize the signs that God may be trying to tell you something, you can become more attuned to His voice and more confident in your decisions. Remember, God wants to communicate with us and will make His messages clear if we’re willing to listen. Spend time in prayer, seek confirmation from others, and trust that God is leading you in the right direction.


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