10+ Soul-Lifting Exhortations to help You through Tough times


Sometimes, things may seem rough and unrewarding—those moments when nothing makes sense. You put in a lot of effort, and the result does measure up. It is almost as if the universe is unkind to you. Or maybe you’ve lost hope, thinking nothing can ever go right. These messages are you. Whether you are battling depression, anxiety, or the loss of a loved one, God’s word always restores peace and calm to every turbulent storm in our lives.

Here is a compilation of soul-lifting exhortations to help you through tough times.

#1. Above the Storm by Apostle Joshua Selma

#2. Take No Thought by Apostle Arome Osayi

#3. How To Trust in God in Difficult Times by Apostle Joshua Selma

#4. Overcoming depression by Rev. Sam Adeyemi

#5. The Joy of the Spirit by Bishop Oyedepo

#6. The Warfare of the Mind by Apostle Arome Osayi

#7. The Furnace of Affliction by Apostle Joshua Selman

#8. The Oil of Joy by Apostle Joshua Selman

#9. Strengthened by Apostle Joshua Selman

#10. Dynamics of Accessing God’s Help by Apostle Micheal Orokpo

#11. Bringing Thoughts into Captivity by Apostle Arome Osayi

#12. The Affliction of the Righteous

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These soul-lifting exhortations will bless your heart such that you will begin to experience the infilling and outpouring of the power of God. Even when the situation looks bleak and unclear, assurance in God is unwavering because you hold onto His words. The scripture, however, reminds us that the word of God is a lamp for us and light to our paths Psalms 119:105

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Temitope Ogunsanya is a contributor for AfroGistMedia with a passion for storytelling. She captures valuable insights to drive a cohesive reader experience.


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