Home Blog & Buzz Opinion Possible Lockdown Date Night Ideas For Black Singles

Possible Lockdown Date Night Ideas For Black Singles

Possible Lockdown Date Night Ideas For Black Singles

At some point this year, many black singles must have thought about lockdown date night ideas. This is quite understandable because date nights are of essence to every budding relationship. If you just met someone with whom you are attracted, one of the ways to know the person more is through a date. Cupid might just be hanging around somewhere to create a romantic spark.      

But then, dates are also necessary in spicing up a marriage. It helps to bring back the memories of when you were younger and love struck. Once in a while a date with your spouse could help you relieve stress as well.

Singles, nevertheless, cherish date nights much more than couples. They are more enthusiastic about it because they have the time for it. However, the current phases of worldwide lockdown have limited the myriad of possibilities of a date night. Even with the gradual lifting of the lockdown in many areas, date night ideas are still quite limited. Thankfully, we humans love a challenge. We always find a way where there seems to be no way. 

Here are some lockdown date night ideas to consider whether you are isolating alone or holed up somewhere with your partner.   

Date Plans For Black Singles Isolating Away From Their Partners

dinner from afar date idea

1. Dinner from afar

Necessity has been true to its “mother of inventions” tag during this period.  We have never valued communications apps as we ought to until the past few months.  But now, a video call dinner could be the solution to your problem. Just as Zoom can facilitate a fruitful business meeting among a group of people miles apart, WhatsApp creates a perfect date night for you. You can also achieve this via Facetime, Skype or any other communications app. Whatever works for you! You can create a “dinner” atmosphere where you are located while your partner does the same.  In addition, ensure that you are having the same food and drinks. Once all that is in place, you can eat away over a great conversation. Perhaps, the only thing missing will be a real, physical goodnight kiss.

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2. Game night from afar

You could rely on video calling and chatting apps to actualize this idea as well.  Having game night with your partner is a great way to reconnect or discover new things about them.  Set out for a back and forth of questions and answers. You may not have to do more than the traditional “truth or dare”, bearing in mind the physical distance of course.  With some creativity, you could come up with other amazing game ideas too. 

3. Create a piece of art work

Traditionally, date nights are associated with cinemas, pubs or dinners. These days, nonetheless, a date is what people make of it. You could test your creativity through an art challenge with your partner. One easy option is to make a drawing of each other or a shared memory. There is quite a lot of catching up to be done in the process of completing this challenge. You could spice the setting up with a mutually loved collection of music.  In the end, both of you will share some good laughs and compliments over the imperfections or flawlessness of the “art” each of you created.  

star gazing date idea

4. Star gazing

Star gazing from different locations is one of the decent lockdown date night ideas to exploit.  This idea is best for those who already have some intimacy going already. It will afford plenty of room for more intimacy. You may seize the opportunity to fantasize together. With just an hour of this experience, you will be amazed at the joy both of you will feel.

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Date Ideas For Black Singles Isolating With Their Partners

backyard picnic date idea

1.  Have an outdoor evening picnic

The park is central to organizing an ideal picnic. Therefore, this idea may seem somewhat far-fetched. But the lockdown is a lemon that life has hurled at us.  Thus, creating an outdoor picnic is for us like making a lemonade out of it.  If you are privileged to have a backyard with a nice garden, you may consider setting up an evening picnic. Remember, this is supposed to be an “occasion”.  Consequently, you will have to dress for this date night. Get a blanket, a hamper full of homemade snacks and a nice bottle of wine. The picnic could turn out to be a great date night after all.

2.  Game Night  

Games night is a great opportunity to connect with people.  It is also a good option a black single like you can consider for a date night.  Since you are on a lockdown with your partner, you can indulge in having a few bottles of chilled beer.  As long as you share interest in a couple of board games, the date will end up being a great one.  Truth or Dare will definitely be fun too.  

3. Create an outdoor cinema  

Life in lockdown is hardly fun for those who love to go to cinemas.  In truth, watching a movie via DVD is in no way comparable to the cinema experience. This makes an outdoor cinema a great option for a date night, especially formovie aficionados.  How can this be achieved? Firstly, you need to invest in acquiring a projector and screen, if you do not own one already.  If you are wary of visiting the store to purchase one, you can create a makeshift projector from some tools at home. You should pick a suitable location within your residence thereafter. Since you are doing this for a date night, it is necessary to make the ambience somewhat romantic. What is a movie night without popcorns and drinks? Yes, you need all that as well.   

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4. Prepare a candlelit dinner

lockdown date idea candle lit dinner

None of the lockdown date night ideas anyone can suggest will provide a better romantic feeling than a candlelit dinner. Before the lockdown, very few people set up for a candlelit dinner at home.  They will rather go out to a fancy restaurant.  Since the times have compelled us to stay home all the time, a candlelit dinner for a date night is a perfect idea. Contrary to what many people assume, It is not hard to achieve this feat. All you need is a set of candles, good food, great wine, and of course a gorgeous dress for the occasion. Slow, romantic music in the background wouldn’t be a bad idea as well.  

Now that you have the forgoing eight options to choose from, there is no longer any excuse to adjust to the new normal. You may look beyond those suggestions but it should definitely get you started. Your choice will depend on whether you are quarantining alone or with your boo.

Have you tried any of these date night ideas during the lockdown period? Is there a great activity you participated in that you can share with us? Let us know this and more below in the comments.


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