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Chadian Wheat Biscuits Recipe for Beginners

Chadian wheat biscuits recipe simplified. If you love biscuits like me, then it’s high time you learn how to bake yours at home. You...

Home Baked Morrocan Fekkas with Raisins and Amonds| Moroccan Cuisine

Fekkas is a Moroccan cookie that resembles biscotti. Typically, the cookie is prepared with flour, sesame, raisins, almond, sugar, butter, anise seeds, and salt....

Nigerian Cake Baking Recipe Demystified

If you are one of those people who love rich deserts, then the Nigerian cake is the way to go. The treat boasts of...

Mkatra Siniya Recipe: Comoros Tasty Dessert

Mkatra Siniya is one of the unique desserts from Comoros. And unlike most baked treats, which require you to add baking flour, for this...

How to prepare mouthwatering Mugoyo

Mugoyo is a traditional dish for the Baganda community. The dish comprises of a mixture of sweet potatoes and red kidney beans. Usually Mugoyo...