Home Blog & Buzz News NYC Mayor Battles Corporation on Fair Wage Law for NYC Workforce – This Time It’s Chipotle

NYC Mayor Battles Corporation on Fair Wage Law for NYC Workforce – This Time It’s Chipotle

NYC Mayor Battles Corporation on Fair Wage Law for NYC Workforce – This Time It’s Chipotle
Image Courtesy: Wikimedia-Wikipedia Commons

The NYC Mayor and his Department of Consumer Protection stops at nothing in the battle to speak for NYC minorities. Last year it was Uber, the previous week, it was T Mobile, and last week, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc . Which is next?

Chipotle was sued by the NYC Department of Consumer and Workers Protection for violating what’s called the ‘Fair Workweek Law’. It’s on Title 20 Chapter 12 of the NYC Consumer Affairs Law in the New York City Administrative Code. It simply prevents the chain and retail store companies from dishing out work schedules at their whims particularly when the consequence amounts to workers not having a set work schedule that is needed to maintain any type of stability -be it financial, medical, and otherwise.

Chain restaurants can hire workers on a per-diem or part time arrangement, but when a full time position opens up, the Fair Workweek Law forces them to fill it with the current employees who are on unstable schedule arrangement. Their employees are also entitled to some sick leave arrangement regardless of how many hours they get per week. This law, is what Chipotle allegedly repeatedly violated.

“In New York City, predictable schedules for fast food and retail workers are a right, not a privilege,….No corporation can get away with blatantly violating the rights of New York City workers without consequences. Chipotle must immediately stop their unfair labor practices and put their employees above profit.”

Mayor De Blasio

Chipotle is a multi-billion dollar fast- casual food chain corporation with a valuation of 800.14, and a real market worth of almost $22 Billion. It’s had a bit of setback in the last few years during the foodborne illness episode with eaters in its chain restaurants. If the City wins for its minorities, a million dollar payback in on the line in addition to other possible lines of penalty.

If your right to  Fair Workweek Law had been violated, the City encourages you to anonymously report it by filling online at nyc.gov/workers or by simply calling 311.


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