Home African Food & Recipes Your Ultimate Guide To Tasty African Coffee Biscuits

Your Ultimate Guide To Tasty African Coffee Biscuits

Your Ultimate Guide To Tasty African Coffee Biscuits
Coffee Biscuits - the African way (AfroGist Media)

African coffee biscuits guide- Are you one of those people who can’t go a day without enjoying a pack of biscuits? Well, I got an easy-to-follow baking guide that will help you prepare your favorite biscuits like a pro. And the most amazing part is you do not have to be a professional chef or have any baking experience.

Why Take Biscuits?

For years biscuits have been used as a source of energy that keeps you energized for longer and coffee biscuits are not an exception. Better still, it saves you money, satisfies your sweet tooth, and above all, allows you to regulate the amount of sugar and fat.

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After trying the recipe, you may never buy biscuits in your bakery store. At first, you may have challenges adding other ingredients for different variations, but the secret is mastering the skills. It would be best to try our recipe before trying to prepare or customize the recipe to suit your needs.

But before we get down to our recipe, get to know the history of African coffee biscuits.

History Of Coffee Biscuit Recipe


The history of biscuits dates back to the 16th century. The first biscuit recipe was a flat pastry that was baked and put back in a can. Hence the French name bis (cuit). Bis meaning twice and meaning baked.

And as its name suggests, it is a re-baked bread. However, during this time, food was baked on stones, and the biscuits were not an exception.

Both sweet and savory biscuit variations were popular and taken after a meal to aid digestion. The custom continued till the 20th century, but slowly people started taking biscuits during breakfast.

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Cooking technology transitioned so fast, and more improvised methods and ingredients were born with the first French cookbook written and published in 1867 from Jules Gouffé’s Royal Cookery Book. Later an English version was done by Jukes Brother Alphonse, the head of Pastry Division in Loyal Kitchen under Queen Victoria.

And in the 19th century, the popular dessert was popular in Britain and its peer countries. Slowly people became more creative, and new variations were introduced, which is part of cuisines globally.

Now let’s switch gears and get down to cooking. 


4 ½ cups cake flour (sifted)

½ cup milk

2-3 tsp instant coffee powder

1 cup white sugar

1 ½ cup butter

2 ½ tsp baking soda

2 tsp warm water

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp cinnamon powder

¼ tsp salt


  1. Add coffee to a bowl and add the warm water. Stir until the coffee is fully dissolved.
  2. Put sugar and butter in an electric mixer and beat until fully mixed and fluffy. Combine with coffee mixture.
  3. Preheat the oven up to 4500 F.
  4. In another separate bowl, add salt, baking flour, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Whisk together until evenly mixed. Add the mixture you had prepared in step 2 and continue mixing for about two minutes.
  5. Pour the milk and stir perfectly well until a dough forms.
  6. Lightly flour your work-top and roll your dough. With the help of a cookie-cutter, shape your biscuits as desired.
  7. Grease a baking pan, place your biscuits 1″ apart, bake them for about ten to 15 minutes, and place them in a cooling rack.
  8. Mix honey and a pinch of salt and brush the biscuits lightly. Leave them to cool, and enjoy your coffee biscuits with coffee or tea.


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