Home African Food & Recipes Top 10 Amazing things you can do while the Coronavirus sticks around

Top 10 Amazing things you can do while the Coronavirus sticks around

Top 10 Amazing things you can do while the Coronavirus sticks around

Without a doubt, Blacks are a vibrant and fun loving people. Despite their differences in personalities, there is plenty that bind them. Visiting a tourist attraction, going on a safari, merry-making, eating nyama-choma, attending concerts, and watching movies are just some of the many things you can possibly imagine. However, as the novel Coronavirus continue to spread, especially in Africa, these trends have been cut short.

The outbreak of Covid-19 has left many feeling helpless, like there is no tomorrow. As if to rub salt into wound, there have been sudden shutdowns and cessation of movements, leaving most of us stuck at home. I know this sucks, isn’t it? Guess what, it looks like we’ll be having this ‘unwelcome visitor’ for the long haul. That’s sickening, but, don’t you think we can turn all this into an opportunity?  When one door closes, another one opens.

[bctt tweet=”Even as we keep our social distance and abide by the ‘stay at home’ orders, there’s a lot we can do to stay healthy and have some fun.”]

Here are ten things you can do even as the Covid-19 pandemic sticks around.

  1. Donate blood, if you can.

If this has not been prohibited in your area during this Coronavirus era, it’s something that’s worth your thought. If you can’t give blood, spread the word about the importance of doing so. That way, you’ll be surprised to note that you’ve helped the blood banks meet their need for platelets and plasma.

  1. Safeguard your health

According to research, seven out of every ten deaths tends to be related to lifestyle issues. I think you can help flatten that curve, even as we try to subdue this Coronavirus disease. I’m cognizant that it’s not easy to make significant life changes, but if the time we live in at the moment doesn’t spur us to change, then what could? Consider making a list of things that cheer you up and distract you from the current anxiety. Seek spiritual nourishment by live-streaming prayer or meditation groups. Try Yoga. Do something. Be mindful.  If need be, seek a therapist’s service via phone or other virtual means. Your health is your wealth, so guard it.

  1. Help replenish food banks

Thanks to this pandemic, people’s jobs have been interrupted. Worse still, many have been laid off. This lot needs our help more than ever. If you’re in a position to, you may need to visit a food bank or volunteer to help organizations achieve this important agenda.

  1. Connect with nature

Be honest, when did you last watch the birds from your window or even plant a seedling? Trust me, this may appear petty, but it’s pretty exciting and you’ll be amazed how re-freshening it could be. It’s the perfect time to give this a try, thank me later.

5. Perfect your hobby

Probably, this is what I’ve done best during my lock-down. Upon the many cessations, I was quick to discover my camera that had already gathered dust. I didn’t know that I was such a talented camera-man. I’ll be sharing some of my captures soon, keep tabs. Meanwhile, why don’t you identify that project you’ve always wished to tackle? It’s the perfect time to pick it up or start a new hobby all together. My next move will be on playing a guitar, heavens know how I’ve been dying to learn this instrument!

  1. Up your creativity in the kitchen

Figure this, you’re stuck in your house and your pantry is beckoning you. Sadly, you’re short of the necessary ingredients to make a scrumptious meal. Fret not, figure out what you can put together with the little you have. FYI, there are many chefs and fellow amateurs out there who are giving online tutorials. Can’t you give dabbling in the kitchen a try? It won’t kill you!

  1. Try living-room workouts

Workouts offer a host of health benefits and are essential for a happier and longer life. What’s more, you don’t have to dig holes in your pockets nor require much space and time. A customized and simple online program can let you choose your preferred exercises and within no time, you’ll be surprised at how many calories you’ll have burnt.

  1. Cherish your moment with the kids

Truth be told, children won’t be here with us forever, let’s cherish the moment we are privileged to spend with them. Entertain them by listening to children read aloud. Consider a nature scavenger hunt with them or even a cheerful and inventive stretch out. These are simple things that they will cherish forever.

  1. Catch up with friends

Despite the social distancing requirements, our mental health still require to be social with others. Challenge those anxious friends to some virtual games and let them know they’re not alone. Chances are that the connections will bring out lots of laughter, which is one of the best medicines right now.

  1. Grill

If you don’t have one, they’re pretty cheap nowadays. Get one, fire it up and grill all the way. Get some tips for the best BBQ and show the world the other you.

In a nutshell, if you’ve been sitting there wondering what day it is and being unable to remember the last time you left your house, please let this be a wake-up call. In all fairness, you don’t have to sit and stare at the TV 24/7. You don’t have to stamp a permanent spot on your couch while following all the popular shows on Netflix, especially on the weekends. Hopefully, some of the aforementioned ideas can enrich your stay at home as we await the outside world to be free of Covid-19.

Okay, I know I’ve fired at you my own thoughtful opinions on awesome things you can do to make the most of this lockdown time. Can you fire back at me on which one you disagree with? What things are you doing or planning to do to keep busy at home? Let me know on the comments section below. Waiting to read from you!


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