Home Blog & Buzz Opinion Interracial and Interethnic Dating: 5 Things You Must Know If You’re Dating A Ghanaian Man

Interracial and Interethnic Dating: 5 Things You Must Know If You’re Dating A Ghanaian Man

Interracial and Interethnic Dating: 5 Things You Must Know If You’re Dating A Ghanaian Man

If you’re considering interracial dating, you should know that Ghanaian men are some of the most friendly and sociable fellows on earth. Women who have dated or are dating Ghanaian men can attest to their charming nature. This is why more people want to know what it’s like to date the indigenes of this country. Today we’re sharing real truths about dating these men and some simple rules you should keep in mind while dating them.

family expectations when interracial dating with a Ghanaian man

Things You Must Know When Dating A Ghanaian Man

You’re Dating His Entire Family

Ghanaians take dating seriously so don’t be surprised to see that will be embraced into the family with speed. Before you know it, family members will start referring to you as their ‘wife’. This, however, should not be viewed as pressure to get married to the man you’re dating. It is just an affectionate acknowledgment of your status as a person affiliated with their loved one.

He Will Always Be Well Dressed

Even under the sweltering sun, you will never catch a Ghanaian man looking shabby. These men are very particular about their dressing. It doesn’t matter if the weather is hot or cold, your interracial dating story with a Ghanaian man will never have a bad dressing day.

You Will Enjoy A Unique Tourist Experience When You Visit Ghana

The most beautiful places to see in Ghana are hidden in undiscovered alcoves only accessible by arduous beaten paths. Dating a local means you will have an opportunity to see the country in its unspoiled state. Don’t forget the rich cultural perspective, added security, and reduced prices you can also enjoy when your man is also your tour guide.

what to expect when interracial dating with a Ghanaian man

You Will Never Go Hungry

Ghanaian men eat rich food in large proportions. With their enormous appetite, you can be sure there will be ample food supply all the time. Some common foods you should expect to have access to include heavy starch, rich soup, sumptuous chunks of yam, and the famous Ghanaian jollof rice.

You Will Pick Up Local Dialects

There are hundreds of varied dialects spoken all over Ghana. While interracial dating with a Ghanaian man, you will probably learn at least two of these languages. This is because most Ghanaians are well versed in two to three dialects including Ghanaian pidgin. Although you might not become fluent in a few months, you will be able to identify and answer locals in their dialect.

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Interracial Dating With A Ghanaian Man; Simple Rules To Follow

Don’ts  for Interracial Dating With A Ghanaian Man

interracial dating
Don’t leave your stuff in his house

One toothbrush here, a set of underwear there, and a few changes of clothes will not be a welcome sight in your Ghanaian boyfriend’s house. These men love their space and privacy. If you start to move in without being invited, it could constitute a huge problem.

Don’t refuse to cook

We mentioned earlier that Ghanaian men love to eat. Because of this, you should love to cook for them. The cultural background of a typical Ghanaian man makes him expect home-cooked meals from his woman.

Don’t nag and complain

No one likes nagging and complaining but Ghanaian men are particularly put off by this behavior. Because they love to avoid conflict, your Ghanaian boyfriend can disappear for days if you make a habit of bagging.

Don’t share your intimate moments

Intimate moments and milestones in your relationship should not be public news. Unlike other men, Ghanaian men don’t share their relationship affairs with their friends and they expect you to keep that part of your life private too.

Don’t scare him with secrets

Many people hate secrets but Ghanaian men particularly loathe them. Their culture encourages openness for better companionship so they expect a secret free relationship.

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Do’s for Interracial Dating With A Ghanaian Man

interracial dating
Do respect his privacy

African men in general love to have alone time or man time. You have to respect the privacy of your Ghanaian partner if you want to see the best out of him. Allow him the time to refresh himself instead of constantly crowding him with your presence.

Do meet his family and let him meet yours

As we indicated earlier, Ghanaians are big on family. Don’t be ashamed to introduce your man to your family and be prepared to meet his also. Because he is Ghanaian, note that this could happen very early in the relationship and be prepared for it.

Do be yourself

The beautiful thing about love and relationships is being able to express yourself as you are. You don’t have to change your personality to fit into the interracial dating landscape. A true Ghanaian man wants you to be yourself so there are no unexpected changes after the relationship has progressed to a good level.

Do be his friend

Most men want to be friends before lovers. This is very true for Ghanaian men as their innate nature and cultural dictates lean heavily towards companionship.

Do tell him what you want

Ghanaian men do not assume. If you want something, you’re going to have to speak up or they will never know. If you would like to get married to him, make sure to specify that you want a serious relationship at the start of your courtship. This makes it clear that your interracial dating experience is not designed to be a short fun ride.

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Bottom Line

Ghanaian’s are generally friendly people and you will enjoy a first-hand experience of their hospitality when you’re dating one of them. This post can serve as a guide for you if you want to know what to expect before time. Are you currently dating a Ghanaian? How true are the points we made in this post? Share your unique experience with us in the comments.


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