Reviewing Progress on New Year’s Resolution Pledges
The New Year has started, but something also started with it – your personal goals. You have made several pledges; the so-called New Year Resolution. You waited throughout the old year to feel and exercise the energy that’ll propel you to what you desire. But how is it going so far?
As we all know, making pledges isn’t difficult. The issue is holding on to them and achieving the set goals. One study reveals that over 88 percent of people who make New Year’s resolutions fail to keep them. Yet, with guide and support, you could be among the few that will not only make pledges but adhere to them.
Here are some Guides-
Stay motivated and positive-
Staying motivated and keeping up with any faith you could muster is the constant flow of energy needed to get there. It’s like a tiny trail of water that flows constantly; making it into your veins to keep you hydrated. Water will always find its way no matter how blocked its path, so stay on the positive side. Avoid all sources of negative energy.

Start from your mind-
If you are constantly feeling drained and incapable to move on in your planned goals, now is the time to pause and reflect. You can achieve most things by using your mind. Humans are a mix of psychical and spiritual beings, and our minds are the door ways to enter into the spiritual realm and make things manifest. Overcome the inner challenges that are keeping you weak and leading you to quit your goals first before you continue on the physical. The strength to accomplish anything worthy need to materialize first from the inside (your mind and your spirit). Start there.
Find strength in the negatives-

Has anyone said you can’t? Did they dare you, or even attempt to stop you? If so, consider yourself fortunate, for you’ve got some strength to tap from this negative. Most people who go on to succeed in life didn’t get there because people cheered them to the finishing line. Many discouraging words -sad enough to butty their heads and quit were said to them.
Marilyn Monroe had a dream to become a model, but her agents told her she can never become one. Despite the negative utterances from her agents who were supposed to encourage her, Monroe became a huge success. She was an orphan.
The storms of life will come. In fact, it’s as if they come just right when you set goals to achieve your desires. But stand your ground. You are not alone – get the universe on your side. Think positive. Speak positive, and keep the action going.