Home Blog & Buzz 5 Reasons Why Apostle Paul was on Fire Throughout

5 Reasons Why Apostle Paul was on Fire Throughout

5 Reasons Why Apostle Paul was on Fire Throughout
Catania - The statue of St. Paul the Apostle in front of Basilica di Sant'Agata.

Paul was on fire throughout his life and ministry, wasn’t he? If yes, don’t you think there are vital lessons one can learn from somebody like that?

Someone said humorously, “There’s hardly no Sunday Apostle Paul’s name is not mentioned on the pulpit.” Why? He carried and maintained a holy fire for the Lord throughout his life and ministry.

What does being on fire mean? Does it mean physically setting yourself ablaze? Just kidding, of course not. To be on fire is to be spiritually alive and fervent. It is to be active in one’s walk with God, and as a result you produce good works.

For example, right from the day Paul met the Lord Jesus till the day he was to die, he remained steadfast. Not very many people finish well. They had a very good start. Some even had a spectacular start. However, they were not able to sustain the spiritual fire. Samson is a very good example. He started well. However, he fumbled along the way and ended badly. You don’t want to end that way, do you? I’m sure you do not.

Without mincing words, here are 5 reasons why Apostle Paul was on fire throughout. You should read intently to see his secrets and internalize them.

5 Reasons Why Apostle Paul Was on Fire

1. Firstly, he had a genuine start.

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What does this mean? It means that Paul was genuinely saved by the Lord Jesus. He had a specific experience that he constantly referred to.

This is not the case for many who are in the ministry today. They cannot tell you when and how they became born again. In other words, they do not have any experience about how one becomes a Christian. Some of them might even tell you they go to church, read the Bible, pray to God and don’t do anything really bad.

But how can someone have a genuine start?

Apostle Paul’s story is a good model.

While Paul (formerly Saul) was all out to kill Christians, Jesus appeared to him. He saw a very bright light and a voice spoke to him. Saul asked who the Lord was. He had immediately acknowledged Jesus as Lord. Jesus spoke to him. He obeyed instantly without questioning. If you cannot trace to any time you gave your heart to the Lord, you need to get that done as soon as possible. This is the starting point to getting on fire.

2. Apostle Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Few days after Saul’s conversion to Christianity, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. God sent a man named Ananias to go lay hands on Saul so he might receive his sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately after this experience, Paul began preaching vigorously. He got a greater intensity of fire.

As a result of this fire, Paul’s strength increased even the more. Furthermore, Paul’s prayer received supernatural strength.

Apostle Paul went on in his ministry to become someone who laid hands on people, and as a result got them filled with the Holy Spirit.

A very short story

Oral Roberts was a man called by God to take the healing power of God to his generation. God also instructed him to build a university. However, one key factor that helped Oral was the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit filled Oral Roberts. As a result, he got on fire for God. Moreover, he healed so many people in his lifetime by the power of the Holy Spirit and built a university. Today, Oral Roberts University stands as a proof in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

3. Apostle Paul was on fire because he was a man of prayer.

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Paul boasted that he prayed in tongues more than entire church! Imagine a single person saying that! The Apostle must have prayed even while in the toilet! Wow, don’t you think so? No wonder he performed extraordinary miracles.

Paul had a very active prayer life. As a result, he performed many exploits. For instance, Paul wrote thirteen out of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. During one of his moments of missionary ordeal, a snake fastened itself on his hands. The Bible says that Paul shook the snake into the fire and felt no harm whatsoever. Those who had been watching him expected that he would die. But when they saw that he did not die, they said Paul was a god.

So, Paul’s prayer life was on fire. His life of prayer made him finish well and strong.

4. Apostle Paul loved to read and study the Word of God.

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Paul wrote to Timothy at a time asking him to bring along the cloak he left at Troas, and also the books and parchments. That shows he was a bookworm. Little wonder he flowed in so much revelation that even Apostle Peter acknowledged the insight Paul had.

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5. Apostle Paul was on fire throughout because he had a vision.

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Oh, Paul had a vision for his life and ministry. When you don’t know where you’re going, any bus stop is good for you. But not Paul!

Even while standing trial before King Agrippa, Paul did not fail to talk about the vision. Paul boldly told the king Jesus appeared to him and made him a minister and a witness to the Jews and Gentiles. (Acts 26:15-18). Furthermore, Paul stated that he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.

Do you have a vision for your life and destiny? If yes, what is it? If no, then get one from God.

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In conclusion, it is wise to walk in the steps of great men. Doing this will make you also end up in greatness. Follow Paul and you will not only be on fire, but also sustain the fire throughout your lifetime.


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