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How To Find Jobs After Layoffs

How To Find Jobs After Layoffs
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Have you been laid off from your job? Does finding a gist jobs seem impossible? You are not alone. With the havoc wreaked on the U.S. economy following the pandemic, many Americans are in the same shoe as you are. 

This has driven many to sadness and depression. But instead of wallowing in self-pity, it’s time to wipe your tears and start again.

Irrespective of the reason for your lay off, one thing is certain- there is a tough job market out there. This is the reason why finding a job is a difficult task and why many are still unemployed despite numerous efforts.

However, we will show you five things to do that will help you land not just any job but the job of your dreams. So sit back and put on your engagement cap.

5 Steps to Finding a Job After a Layoff

  1. Spend Time to Reflect on Your Career Path
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After a layoff, most people tend to immediately begin finding a gist jobs. Sometimes, this is done to prove to friends and family that they are not losers. And so they spend time searching tirelessly for another job to replace the one they just lost.

This is a wrong move, trust me. You wouldn’t want to repeat your previous mistakes. This is especially when it was some reasons related to ineptitude that led to your job loss. 

So, one of the first things to do after a layoff is to spend quality time thinking about your career path. This is the time to ask yourself certain questions like: Do I like my former job? 

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If yes, then, go ahead and seek jobs similar to your previous one. But if no, this is the best time to consider choosing a new career path. Do an inner search to find out what brings you Joy. Once you discover it, seek jobs that are in that area. Ask yourself: If I don’t go back to jobs like my former job, what is the worse yet to happen to me?

  1. Update Your Résumé

We all know that one of the first things an employer asks for is your resume. And having a robust one heightens your chances.

So, before you start making efforts towards finding a job, first update your resume. I bet you wouldn’t want to stress yourself finding a job only to lose out because of your poor résumé. So spend time to make your résumé grappling. If you need help doing this, you can either tap into thousands of resources online (YouTube especially) that teach you how to update your resume. You can also explore the resources available in your community.

Be sure that the content of your résumé is 100% accurate and true. Do not join the league of individuals that lie to get a gist jobs. Lying in your résumé does you more harm than good, so you wouldn’t want to ply that route. 


Simply be true to yourself and update your resume. In case, you don’t know how to update your resume, there are many available information on how to go about it.

  1. Look For Jobs
Photo credit: Unsplash

Having successfully updated your resume, the next step to finding a job is to look for jobs in your areas of interest. There are many ways to do this. 

You can search for these jobs online via the companies website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook page. You can also check out newsletters and publications on available job vacancies. 

Then again, you can draw from the pool of options you may get from friends and family. Likewise, you can also visit organizations in person to inquire about available job opportunities.

Since most people are already sitting at home given the covid-19 reality, there is the temptation to not go out to network and engage others in achieving your goal. The most simple and practical way to beat this is what is to be virtually present. Do everything virtually. Reach out.

Tell the people that love and care about you that you need their help to knock on job doors for you. Email them copies of your resume. Tell them everything depends on this level of support they can give you. Go through your phone and search for contacts. Each contact on your phone and email has at least 2 viable network to connect you to job. Engage them. Search for that job as you would for your home key. In other words, look at where you least expect you’d find something.

  1. Boost Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a professional social media platform that can connect employers to their prospective employees. If engaged properly, it can fetch you more than you can imagine. 

It may interest you to know that 87% of recruiters vet job candidates through their LinkedIn profile. So you must not handle your LinkedIn profile with kid’s gloves. To utilize it perfectly, you have to optimize your profile.

Your profile is the first thing an employer checks out before he considers employing you. It goes to say that your LinkedIn profile is a core determinant of your employability. So in addition to your CV, ensure that your LinkedIn profile bears witness to your competence as an employer.

It is pertinent to note that LinkedIn is not the only thing employers probe. Some meticulous employers check you out on your various social media handles. So bear this in mind when making your next post on any of them. 

  1. Apply
Photo credit: Unsplash

The final step to finding a job is to make an application. The content of your application speaks volumes. It tells the employer if you are the best candidate for the job or whether they should look somewhere else. 

As a result, you should approach it with all meticulosity. If you need help in doing this, go ahead and find one. Be intentional about your application. Every single word counts. 

Also, utilize the experiences you got from previous jobs, they aid to boost your credibility. Apply to as many job vacancies as you can. So long as it is not at the expense of excellence. Do these and patiently wait for that exciting call for an interview.

Final Words

Being laid off is not the end of the world. If handled well, it can open you up to a whole new career path. However, finding a job at a time like this can prove to be quite a task. 

But there are ways to go about it to avoid being burned out. Hence, following these five steps will guide you to landing your dream job sooner than you think. 


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