Home Blog & Buzz Africa’s Top 5 Quotes on Covid-19 that Will Make You Roll Your Eyes

Africa’s Top 5 Quotes on Covid-19 that Will Make You Roll Your Eyes

Africa’s Top 5 Quotes on Covid-19 that Will Make You Roll Your Eyes

Since the announcement of its first case in China, COVID-19 has continuously grappled the world. Evidently, scientists have upped their game in search of a possible cure. As if running out of time, the pandemic is teasingly snuffing lives out of humankind. Hopefully, those are the last kicks of a dying horse. I have no idea how you get by during a crisis like this, but Africans cope by laughing at themselves and joking out of situations that aren’t even funny, this Covid-19 era is no exception.

Sadly, some philanthropists foresaw bodies lying around in the street of African countries while the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated millions of cases in a span of six months. As expected, these predictions didn’t go well with most Africans. At least not in Africa where contemplation or even any discussion about loved one’s death is more of a taboo.

[bctt tweet=”Africa may be said to be a ‘dark continent’ but its people are the brightest lot.”] Don’t get it twisted, the aforesaid claim was its sayer’s ‘own opinion,’ the last time I checked, everyone was entitled to one.

More often than not, we’ve seen African leaders boldly distinguish themselves and lead the charge against the deadly virus which first appeared on the continent in February 2020. Below are five African countries where some leaders and professionals have been quoted for their impactful messages on Covid-19.


Reportedly the happiest people in East Africa, Kenyans are hardly overshadowed. The first Corona Virus case in Kenya was undoubtedly received with shock. This didn’t last long before the ‘happy’ lot busted various social media spaces with Covid-19 jokes and memes, as if to affirm to the world that there is no dull day in the country. The Health Cabinet Secretary-Mutahi Kagwe has repeatedly urged his ‘fellow Kenyans’ to treat the disease with the seriousness it deserves. He was recently hailed in a leading American newspaper as one of unlikely ‘hero’ in the war against novel Coronavirus. Back home, he is renowned for his famous saying:

If we continue to behave normally, this disease will treat us abnormally

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe

Virtually all the media houses play the quote during their periodical Covid-19 campaigns.


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d agree that Tanzanian’s president-Magufuli is one of the African leaders who have shrugged off Covid-19 risks. Some analysts say that the pandemic is casting him in the worst light especially when the country is bracing itself for a general election. Others have described him as a ‘petty dictator.’  However, that doesn’t seem to worry Tanzania’s Magufuli. Recently, WHO disputed his claim that Covid-19 kits in Tanzania were unreliable and contaminated. This was after the samples collected from a goat, sheep and pawpaw tested positive for COVID-19. It’s such an interesting world, isn’t it? While addressing a congregation, Tanzania’s president was quoted saying that since Coronavirus was satanic, it couldn’t survive in the church.

Corona cannot survive in the body of Christ; it will burn. That is exactly why I did not panic while taking the Holy Communion

President Magufuli.


As of this writing, Uganda has surprisingly managed its Coronavirus cases with most of positive cases reported from cross-border truck drivers. This has been attributed to the country’s president- Yoweri Museveni timely measures in compacting the pandemic. Recently while addressing the nation, Uganda’s president who is arguably loved and hated in equal measures was hailed by his countrymen for his acumen.

When it comes to health, it is better to be a coward and be on the side of caution. If there is no danger after one month, that will be good. If there was danger, we would have avoided it

President Museveni

South Africa

Covid-19 wasn’t the first crisis the country experienced. Its absurd pettiness of apartheid is something one wouldn’t wish to relive. As if to prove how life is unfair, while the nation was struggling with unreliable electricity supply, unemployment and gender-based violence, BOOM, there came the Covid-19. Funny enough, social media became flooded with memes and jokes about the untold threat of the novel Coronavirus.

OK, please do not panic, but you’re all dying today

A public hospital nurse in South Africa


Before the emergence of Covid-19 in Africa, you would have been forgiven for not having heard of this Island nation. However, that’s not after her famous herbal drink Covid Organics (CVO) that the country claim to be the cure for COVID-19 patients. As of now, several African countries have received the CVO despite warnings from WHO against its usage for self-medication without medical supervision. Recently, WHO contacted Madagascar after the country’s president slammed the organization for not endorsing this purported cure. By the way, don’t you think this herbal concoction could be a big breakthrough, especially for a continent that has used traditional herbal medicines for a period that corresponds to Stone Age?

Let’s drink this herbal tea to protect ourselves, to protect our family and our neighbors […] and there will be no more deaths

President Andry Rajoelina

When it’s all said and done and amid confirmation by WHO that Covid-19 could be here to stay for good, one can either embrace that favorite Swahili’s Hakuna matata, or Bob Marley’s line: Don’t worry bout a thing, cause every little thing’s gonna be alright. Personally, I prefer both.

Your turn: What Covid-19 quotes have you heard that made you go ‘wait a minute’! Share in the comment section below.


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