Home Blog & Buzz 7 Profound Lessons From 2020

7 Profound Lessons From 2020

7 Profound Lessons From 2020

What The First Three Quarters Of 2020 Has Taught Us

Have you gathered any lessons from 2020 yet? We certainly have a few at Afro Gist Media! While most years bring many joys and promises, 2020 has been quite a tough one.

During the first three quarters of the year, we’ve learned some pretty hard lessons. We have had to adjust to new situations never experienced before. Although many people had high hopes and expectations, 2020 has turned out to be a solemn year so far.  Full of surprises, heartbreaks, a pinch of happiness here and there, this year has surely been nothing but thoughtful and reflective. We still have one quarter to go in the year but let’s look back and analyze all the lessons 2020 has taught us so far.

Now Is The Time to Tell Your Loved Ones You Care

Of all our lessons from 2020, this is the most profound. All around the world, the COVID-19 Pandemic had a devastating impact on the lives of billions of people. Starting from Wuhan province in China, the disease spread all over the world in no time. It has infected more than 27 million people and killed more than 0.8 million. This pandemic has shown how vulnerable we humans are and how much every moment together counts.

lessons from COVID-19

Many people were fortunate to spend the lockdown period with their families in a safe and secure environment. These lucky ones had time to bond and share things that matter as they reflected on their lives. Others were caught unaware and had to spend a long time away from their families. They didn’t even know if they would ever make it back home. After spending elongated periods in isolation, we have all come to see there is no better time to show love and care to your family, friends, and associates than NOW!

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Together We Have The Power To Face Hardest Of Challenges

lessons from Australian bushfires

The saying that no man is an island on his own is very accurate. We have unknown strength tucked away in unity and we can achieve anything if we band together as one. What you may not have heard about was the the Australian Black Summer revealed what we as human beings can do together. Since the start of the fires in September 2019, it has been an uphill battle. However, all fires were finally quenched in March of 2020. Thousands of firefighters banded together to battle the raging fire that was burning down trees, houses, and killing animals. They fought relentlessly until the fires were under control for them to finally put it properly. Because of their efforts, a strong and speedy regrowth has already commenced and the replacement of nature is truly breathtaking.

Privacy And Peace Of Mind Is Worth More Than Crowns

They say heavy is the head that wears the crown. While many assume this is only figurative, it is very true in different aspects of people’s lives. The responsibility of leadership can take a heavy toll on the lives of monarchs. However, we might never see it standing on the outside. Royal couple, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decided to live an independent life from the British throne. They wanted a more peaceful life with fewer media intrusion and some financial independence. This is not close to Mark Twain’s Prince and the Pauper fantasy. It’s one simply saying ” leave me the heck alone. I want to be who creator truly made me to be.” Strength and good luck to Harry and Meghan!

Harry and Meghan

As of the Spring of 2020, they officially began their new independently funded lives and stepped back from Royal duties. Along with their son Archie, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been having a good time living on their own. They are still fighting media intrusion but as they aren’t considered full-time working members of the Royal family, they have focused more on their projects. If you feel swamped by public responsibility, take a page out of Harry and Meghan’s book. One of our lessons from 2020 is for you to choose privacy and peace of mind over deluging attention and your life can be more fruitful.

YOU SHOULD ALSO READ: Meghan And Harry In Montecito: All About The Couple’s $14.7 Million Home

Support The People Around You Because You May Not Know The Battles They Are Fighting

When you pass by strangers on the street and interact with your friends daily, do not be insensitive to their battles. This is one important lesson we’ve learned this year and it’s one we should always remember. On the 28th of August 2020, American actor and hero of many, Chadwick Boseman, passed away after losing a personal battle with colon cancer. After bringing the iconic Marvel Comics character, King Tchalla of Wakanda alive, the world was sad to see him go at a young age of 43.

lessons from 2020

While Boseman was alive fighting cancer, the world knew nothing of it as he decided to keep it a secret. When he posted a video online appearing to have lost excessive weight, he was severely made fun of and called names. Little did any of his oppressors know that he was living out his last days trying to deliver the best he could. Chadwick Boseman brought many famous black characters to life during his final acting years. His exceptional talent and bravery will be missed by his wife, family, and entire fan base. Although Boseman’s story is one out of many, it goes to show that we, as human beings, need to be more compassionate and understanding of each other. Because you don’t know what your neighbor is facing, you ought not to act as an additional burden to them.

YOU SHOULD ALSO READ: The Death Of Chadwick Boseman: Black Panther Actor Dies Of Colon Cancer At 43

History Is Still Being Made

lessons from 2020

Man has made giant strides with many witty inventions and achievements. If you think you’ve seen the best of it all, you’re wrong. One of our lessons from 2020 is that the human race is still breaking new records and making history. We saw this in May of 2020 when Elon Musk’s SpaceX program successfully delivered astronauts to space. Since the company was founded in 2002, CEO Elon Musk and the whole SpaceX crew have had an incredible journey with ups and downs. The breakthrough with transporting NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley to space means the company will soon be certified to transport humans to space. Watch out for more record-breaking events as SpaceX plans to carry tourists to space as early as 2021.

Life Matters, Colors Do Not

lessons from 2020 black lives matter

One of the most important lessons from 2020 has taught us to put human life above all. On 25 May 2020, George Floyd, an African American, was arrested and brutally shot to death by police in Minneapolis, USA. When a video of the incident became public, people all over the world voiced their solidarity with George Floyd and expressed their anger against racial discrimination. That singular incident spurred a revolution across the world, reminding us all that irrespective of race, ethnicity, and color, we are all equal.

We Are Not In Control Of Life And Death So Live Richly Every Day

Image By NBC News

On 26th January, the world halted in shock as basketball legend, Kobe Bryant, along with his daughter Gigi and 7 others were lost in a helicopter crash. Kobe was only 41 and the unexpected death rocked the world. However heartbreaking, this tragic loss reminds us all that we’re not in control of our lives. The best we can do is live life richly and live it to the fullest every day. This is what Kobe did, putting his family above all else, and working hard every step of the way. He surely left a legacy of kindness and strength behind that will not easily be forgotten.

RECOMMENDED: Black Lives Matter: 16 Sensational Quotes from Black Leaders and Activists in History


There you have it, 6 profound lessons from 2020. The year is not over yet and we’re looking forward to what else it has to offer. Have you learned any lessons from 2020 so far? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments below.


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