Home Blog & Buzz Tips To Handle Covid-19 Lockdown and Domestic Violence Experience

Tips To Handle Covid-19 Lockdown and Domestic Violence Experience

Tips To Handle Covid-19 Lockdown and Domestic Violence Experience

When the global pandemic hit, women and children are mostly affected. And since some nations instituted lockdown in a bid to contain Coronavirus, the pandemic has caused changes in our lives. The fear and anxiety of what the future holds for us are massive. This, paired with concerns about contracting this virus, has affected families globally. The stay at home conundrum has triggered domestic violence and child abuse.

According to the Center for Disease Prevention and Control, about 11 Million women and 5 Million men have gone through domestic violence from an intimate partner. That is not all, recent reports show that, since Covid19 pandemic, domestic violence cases have escalated.

Worse still, the violence is often from intimate partners. Marriages are breaking up, many children have been affected, and the emotional torture is unimaginable.

Does this sound familiar? Well, pull your chair and let us take you through some of the proven ways of dealing with coronavirus domestic violence and lockdown. Read on!

Understand Your Partner

Understanding your partner is one of the first steps to help you avoid any violence. As a couple, try to understand what your partner loves and hates. Avoid doing stuff that irritates your partner. Doing so can make things worse.

In case you suspect any changes with your partner that were not there before Covid-19, chances are that they may be battling with the stress and anxiety of the moment. People are handling the experience differently, so try to give them the support they need. Instead of shouting or being emotional about it, try to inquire more, and be there for them.  

Take a Walk Outside

When you feel overwhelmed, it’s good to take a walk outside and admire nature. This can help relax and reduce any chances of over-reacting or shouting to your partner. Apply all possible precautions such as wearing your mask, and take some time alone. Come back when you have cooled down. If the argument happens during the night, try to listen to some motivational speakers or read.

Talk to a Family Member or friend Who Understands You

A problem shared is half solved. While sharing your relationship issues with someone close to you, maybe a friend or a family member, may not give you a long-term solution, sharing your the issues that bother can help you reduce your emotional stress.

Exercise Regularly

Battling with emotional or physical violence can trigger anxiety and depression. This, coupled with covid19 fears and all it’s restrictions, can take a toll on your body. But doing relaxation exercises like Yoga, grounding exercises, slow breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation can help manage stress and anxiety.

Get Professional Counseling

Stressful thoughts and feelings can overwhelm you. It’s okay to feel not okay. But the worst thing is to sit back and allow these stressful thoughts to take control. If you feel you can’t stand these feelings anymore, seek advice from a professional counselor. If you have children, you already know that getting in not only about you anymore, but also, and most importantly, about them.

If you live in New York City, follow this link to get help: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/hra/help/domestic-violence-support.page You can also get help through this second link if you live anywhere within New York State: https://opdv.ny.gov/help/you-are-not-alone.html. Know that there’s always help available to you no matter where you live. Just reach out to a local government office.

Seek Refuge

Don’t sit by and suffer in silence. If the violence escalates, you need to report to the relevant authorities and seek refuge. Reach out to family, friends, and helplines to get assistance as soon as possible. Identify some close neighbors that you can escape to their place should the need arrive or when things are getting out of hand.

Are you a survivor of domestic violence? How did you pull through the turmoil? If you can share a bit of your story now others could learn from you. Share your comments below or email: info@afrogistmedia.com


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