Home Afro Gospel Gist Self-Destructive Behaviour: How to Renew Your Mind with Scriptural Truth

Self-Destructive Behaviour: How to Renew Your Mind with Scriptural Truth

Self-Destructive Behaviour: How to Renew Your Mind with Scriptural Truth
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Growing up, RaeLynn DeAngelis had a mortifying experience. Her mum would always measure the growth increase of her and her siblings. Her mother consistently journals their growth progress yearly with a logarithmic scale and a measuring tape. At first, RaeLynn saw nothing wrong with this experience. But as she grew older, she began to have a visceral contempt for the whole process. Resentment and jealousy began to rupture her mind because she weighed a little fewer pounds than her sister, who was five years older. She was chubby as opposed to her petite sister. This made her loathe the idea even more. She felt relieved when her mum eventually stopped recording their height and weight.

“Comparison is the thief of joy”, Theodore Roosevelt once said.

When RaeLynn started comparing herself with her sibling, critical thought patterns that led to self-destructive behaviour slowly crawled in. Comparison is an unhealthy practice. It pushes you to replace your inner self with the outer self of someone else. It disrupts our perception and infuses the mind with all sorts of all-consuming thoughts, ultimately becoming a weapon of self-destruction. 

Self-destructive behaviour is not limited to inflicting physical harm. However, if you or someone you know is experiencing this, pray with them and seek professional medical help.

But in this blog, we are letting you in on the psychological aspect of self-destructive behaviour and how you can overcome it.

Ready? Let’s dig right in.

Ever cut up between behaviours such as;

  • Pride
  • Insecurity
  • Bitterness
  • Comparison
  • Uncontrolled thoughts
  • Self-derogatory words

Chances are you are self-critical about yourself. And this may lead to the wokeness of satanic deceptions if not carefully managed. The media, society, culture and everything around us have steadily become the instrument of sabotage and deceit. 

Whether you are a religious fanatic, a savvy believer or are yet to take a stand in Christendom doesn’t make you immune to self-destructive behaviour. Which is why you must chew and feed on the word of God day and night. Such that when the enemy wants to use your weakness to an advantage, your thought is invigorated with God’s incomparable love.

Here is how you can conquer self-destructive behaviours.

1. Recognize the Behaviour

Before you can challenge something, you must know they exist. Is it self-doubt, negative thoughts, or bitterness? How do these actions, behaviours or thoughts impact your life? Does it antagonize God’s unique plan and purpose for your life? And what exactly is God saying about these things? Your ability to identify these struggles awakens the nudge towards seeking your Ultimate Source of life.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm, plans to give you hope and a future” —Jeremiah 29:11. 

2. Embrace the Power of God’s Word

self-destructive behaviour
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After identifying the challenge, explore and embrace the power in God’s word. Get some alone time and bury yourself in the scriptural verses that align with your current pattern. God’s word is life. While you study those scriptural verses, be patient and let Holy Spirit interpret and reveal the truth that will transform the understanding of your inner man. Ease your mind off whatever may have been plaguing you. 

“Don’t be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the God of peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus” — Romans 4:6-7.

3. Draw Strength from the Assurance of God’s Love

Despite Jcaob’s sons’ attacks towards their brother Joseph, Jacob still loved them. Even much more did he love Joseph. We all long to be loved by God. And He is always ready to embrace us in His wide open arms. The assurance that God genuinely loves us can rejuvenate whatever self-defeating struggle we may be entangled in and enliven our spiritual discernment. 

self-destructive behaviour
Photo credit: Pixabay

The Lord appeared to him from afar, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore, I have drawn you with lovingkindness Jeremiah 31:3

4. Engage with People that Exemplify Scriptural Intuition

Prophet Elisha asked Naaman, an esteemed army captain, to bathe in the river Jordan to cure his leprosy 2 King 5:1-14 but was reluctant to indulge the instruction. It is evidence that pride, bitterness and the loath refusal to yield simmer up. He did not believe something that simple could cure his disease. Doubting other people’s potential can indicate self-doubt, which stems from self-defeating thought patterns.

self-destructive behaviour
Photo credit: Pixabay

However, Naaman finally obeyed Elisha’s request and was healed. His eventual responsiveness and healing show that our self-destructive nature or patterns will always subdue to the presence of God when we engage with people of spiritual intuition like Elisha.

5. Pray Against Demonic Influence

Attacks are real likewise is the power of prayer. Prayer arms you with speaking God’s truth into your life. The devil is always roaming around looking for loose ends so that he can impede our faith. We become vulnerable to the devil when we allow these self-destructive patterns to overshadow God’s truth.

pray against demonic thought
Photo credit: istockphoto

Prayer is a desire we can always achieve; with it, we pull down strongholds. 

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” —2 Corinthians 10:4-5 

Read Also: 3 Powerful Prayers Against Witchcraft

A wrap

Self-destructive behaviour can be physical as much as it can be spiritual. Regardless of the situation, never lose sight of God in finding answers to your questions. However, science will always give you instructions and guidelines to follow through a medical expert, which is acceptable. In all of it, remember that God is the Ultimate Anchor you need to overcome every self-defeating behaviour or thought. Let us know other self-destructive patterns or behaviours and how God’s truth conquers them. 



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