Home Blog & Buzz News Reopening NYC | Mayor de Blasio Sets to Reopen the City

Reopening NYC | Mayor de Blasio Sets to Reopen the City

Reopening NYC | Mayor de Blasio Sets to Reopen the City
Mayor de Blasio visits Rockaway Beach announcing reopening. Image courtesy: Photographer/Mayoral Photography Office


From the office of the Mayor of New York City:

NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio outlined additional guidance and support for the industries permitted to restart in phase one of the City’s reopening. With the Test and Trace Corps set to launch June 1, and the number of positive cases, hospitalizations, and cases in the ICU in continuous decline, New York City is moving closer to the day when construction, manufacturing, wholesale suppliers, and non-essential retail including clothing and electronics stores can reopen with some restrictions.

Image courtesy: Mayoral Photography Office

“New Yorkers have worked so hard for this progress, but we must remain vigilant in this fight. I know we are all eager to return to normal, and the guidelines for phase one are the first step on that path,……We will support business so they can reopen while staying safe.” 

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio.


During phase one, the City estimates 200,000 to 400,000 employees may return to work. To ensure this is done safely and without causing a resurgence of this virus, all businesses must adhere to specific hygiene, distancing, and health protocols. Full guidance can be found here.

Basic rules for all sectors include:


–       Ensure frequent cleaning and disinfecting of any shared surfaces

Health Screenings

–       Implement mandatory health screenings for employees, such as questionnaires and temperature checks


–       Create distance markers and post signage throughout the workplace reminding personnel to adhere to phase one guidance and rules

–       Employers must conspicuously post completed business safety plans on site

Social Distancing

–       Require six feet of distance between people unless safety or core function of the work activity requires less

–       Tightly confined spaces must reduce occupancy to under 50% of maximum capacity with all employees wearing face coverings

–       Limit occurrence of all in-person gatherings and meetings, and only hold them in large, well-ventilated areas with social distancing and a maximum of ten people  

Personal Protective Equipment

–       Provide employees with free clean face coverings and, if the nature of the work requires, stricter personal protective equipment like face shields

–       Encourage the use of face coverings at all times and require them if employees cannot keep 6 feet of distance due to safety or core work function


The Department of Buildings, Department of Consumer and Worker Protection and Small Business Services will educate and conduct outreach to businesses as they reopen for phase one. To support businesses and workers through this transition, the City will:

–       Launch a business re-start hotline that will be available for any business that needs additional support or clarification about regulations or resources

–       Release simplified industry guides to help educate businesses about proper protocols 

–       Train teams of City officials that will to go out to businesses and provide on the ground assistance

–       Continue to meet with the Sector Advisory Councils to gather feedback on reopening progress and address industry wide concerns and issues 

To ensure businesses are complying, enforcement agencies will conduct random visits to sites that are reopening. They will review reopening safety plans and provide guidance regarding best practices and applicable regulations. Summons or fines will be issued in the case of egregious or repeat violations. New Yorkers can call 311 to report a business that is violating the guidelines.

The City is expected to reach the threshold for phase one in the beginning of June. Businesses outlined in phase one cannot start to reopen until an exact date to do so is announced.

This press release was shared by the office of the Mayor of New York City, and views thereby expressed are solely authors.


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