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How to Handle Workplace Discrimination as a Manager

How to Handle Workplace Discrimination as a Manager

Let’s face it; nobody would like to experience discrimination in the workplace. Unfortunately, cases of workplace discrimination have been on the rise in recent days. But why? A study found that 61% of workers above the age of 45 have either seen discrimination at work or personally experienced it themselves. That’s insane! Workplace discrimination may include sexual harassment, racial bias, discrimination based on gender or religion, etc. With these discriminations becoming increasingly common nowadays at the workplace, managers ought to take necessary steps to prevent them. Here are tips on how to handle workplace discrimination as a manager.

1 . Pay Close Attention to What Happens Around the Workplace.

As a manager, you’re probably a very busy person to notice everything that happens around the workplace. However, you’re required by the law to protect your workers. And that includes protecting them against discrimination at work.

How to handle workplace discrimination

Ensure you monitor how your employees behave. Pay close attention to how they interact with each other.

Also, monitor whether there are signs of tensions or conflicts among them. In case you notice something odd among your employees, have a chat with them and check on their well-being.

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2 . Come Up With Clear Work Rules and Expectations.

Coming up with clear work rules and expectations is the first step to preventing workplace discrimination. A business that doesn’t run on regulations is a dead business. That’s because every employee acts as he or she pleases, and that’s wrong.

Every business ought to come up with a code of conduct. A code of conduct is simply a set of rules and instructions that outlines an organization’s norms, proper practices, rules, and responsibilities. Every employee should be given a copy of this document upon getting hired. However, it shouldn’t just stop there. Ensure you periodically remind your workers of these rules and expectations even while in meetings with them.

3 . Hold a Workplace Etiquette Training Session.

Most managers prioritize training sessions for mostly hard skills. However, workplace etiquette is equally as important. Etiquette is extremely important in today’s work environment. For example, etiquette is required when speaking to a co-worker, when using the phone and even when interacting with customers.

How to handle workplace discrimination

Workplace etiquette is vital because it’s the basis for a professional and mutually respectful work atmosphere. That’s why it’s crucial for managers to invest in workplace etiquette training. Etiquette training teaches your employees how to interact and work with each other respectfully. Investing in etiquette training also shows that you care about their well-being and their work environment.

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4 . Respond Swiftly to Any Workplace Discrimination Issue.

As a manager, don’t allow any workplace discrimination issues to linger for long. If a worker brings up any discrimination issue, it’s your duty to respond fast and effectively. If you allow the issue to stay for long, your employees will experience more anxiety, and this may affect their mental state.

Always have a plan in place on how you’ll handle the issue. It’s also important to speak directly to the affected employee and the accused one. Don’t also forget to keep a record of your discussions.

5 . Come Up With Clear Anti-Discrimination Policies at the Workplace.

It’s vital that you come up with clearly written anti-discrimination policies at the workplace. Anti-discrimination policies are protocols in an organization that outlines how to prevent discrimination. They also protect employees from harmful and offensive behaviors while at work.

These policies ensure every employee is safe and happy at the workplace.
The policies also highlight what constitutes discrimination. They also highlight what disciplinary action should be taken in any given discriminatory situation.
Also, depending on where you live, ensure you follow all the legal guidelines required to come up with the policies.

6 . Carry out Team-Building Activities.

Team-building activities are tasks that strengthen bonds between employees. This includes fun activities such as going out for picnics, sharing meals, playing fun games, etc.

Team building has many advantages. It boosts productivity, boosts employee motivation, encourages teamwork, and establishes trust and respect among workers. This means workers can interact with each other more openly and collaborate to solve certain problems.

Also, team-building activities are not expensive to set up compared to formal functions. This is because these activities are normally done in the open space outside the workplace. Since team-building activities bring employees together, they help eradicate discrimination in the workplace.


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