Updates From Africa |with Ola Olawaseun

Quick Updates from Africa - Give Ola 2 minutes, and He'll Give you the Motherland in a Bam. No story! In this update, Ola talks...

Updates from Africa With Ola Oluwaseun

In this update from the Motherland, Ola talks about a lady who "took her husband out" in Uganda, and the trend to begin referring...

Updates from Africa|with Ola Oluwaseun

In this report, Ola talks about cows. Lots of them! Get your updates from Africa with Ola.

Wednesday- Updates from Africa With Ola Oluwaseun

Ola delivers latest news from Africa. Namibia's incumbent President re-elected. An America rapper heads to Nigeria to perform this holiday. There's more - ...

Updates From Africa |With Ola Oluwaseun

Sunday Updates from Africa The Republic of Benin sent European Union Ambassador packing. A Zambian leader wants offenders rather flogged instead of imprisonment; and more....