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7 Best Inspirational Quotes of Kobe Bryant

On January 26, 2020 the world's heart broke. Kobe Bryant , one of America's most loved professional basketball players, died in a helicopter...

How To Work Full-time And Go Back To School As An...

It's no secret -- your success in life is mostly dependent on the level of your education. And one way of getting a good...

10 Biggest Afro Hair Myths Debunked

Afro hair myths debunked- Afro-hair rocks and is elegant. But there are myths that surround curly and Afro-hair that we have believed for so...

How to Succeed with that Business Idea You Have

With millions of ideas floating across the globe, only a couple of these ideas would be turned into a great product. If you're a fan of TV shows,...

What to do in the Face of an Active Shooter

Living in the diaspora comes with lots of challenges -- one of which is security. In the United States, black folks are always soft targets...