Home Blog & Buzz Benefits Of a Healing African Fruit Called Prekese

Benefits Of a Healing African Fruit Called Prekese

Benefits Of a Healing African Fruit  Called Prekese

A Healing Fruit Called Prekese

Prekese is a purple-brown fruit having the size of 15-25cm long and about 5cm across. The taste of this fruit is mildly sweet. It adds flavor, fragrant and sweet while cooking and using in soups and other dishes. It is claimed to be the fruit which holds spiritual power and it’s the reason why it’s still being used daily in African nations.

In West Africa, Prekese is used for cooking spice as well as in traditional medicines. There’s a myth in some of African tribes that some claimed they were hearing voices from beyond when they drink Prekese as herbs.

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Prekese fruit grows on a tree namely Aidan. Its plants are fugitive having the length of 20-25 meters.

Prekese The Fruit of God For Blacks

God has enriched this fruit with protein, iron, potassium, magnesium, lipids, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium and vitamin C. West Africa has a tradition of soups and this fruit is used to flavor it. It is also used by bakers in making desserts and also used as perfume. Because Prekese has a good amount of protein, many users often drink it to skip a meal thereby supporting weight management.

Prekese is useful for diabetic people and its extract has a lower glucose level. Use of Prekese in wounds and cuts is a helpful remedy as it has strong healing power. Due to Prekese’s strong smell, parasites like mosquitoes can’t stand it, and historically Prekese has been used to treat all kinds of fever especially the common ones to the tropical area. People with skin related problems have experimented with this fruit.

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To enjoy Prekese as a beverage on a hot summer day, bring some water to boil, and dip a few rinsed Prekese in it. Cover and let it simmer for a while. Feel free to mix in a bit of fresh organic ginger and lemon. Once the mix is cool down, refrigerate and shake well before serving. If you want, you can try meditating after drinking to see if you’d hear the voices from beyond too😊.

While this post isn’t a health advice, the health benefits of Prekese make it one of the best fruits that helps prevent many diseases and chronic problems by all facts. Research is yet to show what the side effects look like especially when congested in excess.

Prekese fruits can be found mostly in African countries like Ghana and Nigeria. To purchase it in the United States, users can check the African and Caribbean Market stores.


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