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Are You Grieving?

Are You Grieving?
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5 Bible verses to comfort you in difficult moments

Are you grieving? It is natural to experience quite a lot of hiccups while trailing through the journey of life. Grief comes in different forms, and it is personal to every individual, depending on what you count as a loss. For example, while some people see the death of a loved one as an intense challenge that can cause grief, others see addiction or health issues as a reason for grief. However, remember that God got you in whatever situation that might be causing you distress. 

Find comfort with these five bible verses if you are about to quit.

When You Walk Through the Valley (Psalms 23:4)

“Even though I walk through the path of death, I will fear no evil, for the Lord is with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.”

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credit: Wikipedia | Rev. Gerrit Vos explains what it means to walk through the valley

First of all, we must understand that the above verse is probably not talking about our death, just like we will find with other commentators’ interpretations. Even some Christians recite the verse in vain because they do not have a depth understanding of it. The scripture shows that not only will your needs be taken care of, but He will go with you in that valley, and there He will comfort you with His rod and His staff. Likewise, he is with you when you embark on that journey, and He is with you all through your life here on earth. This gives a strong hope of assurance that when you depend on God, he’ll comfort you in any situation.

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Praise The God of all Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

“Blessed be the God of mercies and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trouble, that we may be able to comfort and encourage them that are in affliction.”

are you grieving
credit: Youtube | Pastor Tim Potter analyzing 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

This biblical scripture is one of Apostle Paul’s many letters to the Corinthians. But this is different because instead of giving thanks on behalf of those he’s writing for. He begins by asking for God’s comfort for those battling affliction and all sorts of emotional grief and suffering. Apostle Paul relates the Christian suffering to the suffering of Christ on the Cross. In addition, Christ has given us mercy and that will never change. As a Christian, you don’t need to seek relief from external objects or idols when overwhelmed with trials. Instead, run to God for refuge, healing, and ultimately, comfort. Remember that comforting is God’s specialty.

Christ Borne Your Grief (Isaiah 53:4)

 “But Christ has borne our grief, carried our sorrows and pain, yet we considered Him smitten and humiliated by God.” 

are you grieving
credit: Pexels

This chapter explains the death, resurrection, and exaltation of Christ. It also spotlights that Christ was not for himself but for us. The words “borne our grief” in Hebrews are literally “borne our sickness.” However, this is not to say Jesus is suffering from all our sickness but to heal all our diseases. He was hung on the Cross. He was stricken and grossly afflicted. Pierced through for our transgressions and carried the burden of our iniquities. Took the chastening for our well-being, and the whole punishment should have been our punishment, yet He shouldered them without regrets.

Christ procured your healing through grace by faith, so you have every reason to stay out of worries and keep trusting him regardless of your present situation. The greatest empathizer understands and acknowledges what you are going through, and he will always be by your side.

There is Always Hope For You (Matthew 5:4)

“Blessed are those who mourn over their sins and repent, for they shall be comforted.” 

credit: Pexels

Blessing, in this context, means the declaration of what is good and why. It does not exactly refer to the fact that blessed people will feel happy. Besides, there is a vivid contrast between happiness and “blessed” in the above-mentioned verse. This particular beatitude says blessed are those who mourn. By definition, those who mourn are not happy. But Christ wants us to understand that those who mourn are hopeless. To this end, find relief and comfort from this verse whenever you are about to call it quit because the Lord’s arm of love is wrapped around you.

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God Will Dry your Tears (Revelation 21:4)

“He will dry away every tear from their eyes; there shall no longer be death, sorrow, nor anguish. There shall be no pain, for the former things have passed away”.

credit: Pexels

And the beauty and wonder of God come with a breath of fresh air. Look again at the verse and think about every burden you are nursing, every tear you ever shed, every fear gripping you, every worry about the future getting the best of you. Ponder on this as often as you can and find strength again because the former things have passed.

A Wrap

Stay with the Lord and leverage these scriptural verses. Digest and understand them, and you will become a rock that cannot be shaken even if the challenges are worse than an earthquake. He will comfort you through the process and, in the future, will replace your sorrow with great, eternal joy! Also, if you will like more resources on how Christians grief. We recommend The Brook Dried Up – Why Do Christians Suffer? by Joe Crews.


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