If you’ve been wondering what lessons, King David teaches about worship. Then you are in the right space. This article vividly defines David’s heart of worship on full display with no holding back. Just like David, we should learn to worship God without reservations.
Imagine staying away from food for a day; even if you are fasting, you crave food. Just as much does God desire our worship. Whatever goes on in King David’s mind that never makes him resist the opportunity of worshipping God passionately—even with all his echelon of greatness is worth emulating.
Did you just scoff and think to yourself, “yo, David’s anointing is condescending; he is a man after God’s heart,” Of course you are right. But you may not know this, the anointing upon us as children of God is twice as much as David’s (1 John 2:27).
Was David perfect? No. However, he possessed the zeal, determination, and integrity—with beautiful renditions to glorify God. So chin up because worship is a tool that gives you free access to unwind with the spirit of God without commendation.
With these five lessons, you will learn what King David teaches about worship;
1. Worship that is absolute with No reservations
Here is to the king of Isreal, a man of power and status, a prominent man, yet he consumes the things of God without holding backing. His story tells us how he is wearing a form-fitting royal robe”. Picture this; rolling on the floor with all this might, as if that is not enough, he is wearing what the bible refers to as “linen ephod” (a priest’s upper garment). David’s style of absolute worship is a challenge to us as worshippers who are always reserve and self-conscious as if we are scared of being indicted of a crime.

“And David danced before the LORD with all his might. And David was wearing a linen ephod.” (2 Samuel 6:14)
2. Worship that is rooted in the Holy Spirit
It’s less of the talent to sing beautiful worship songs but more if you are capable of connecting with God through your renditions. Is your worship rooted in the holy spirit? David’s worship is God-centered as we see him carelessly worshipping God without worrying about what others think or say.
True worship is both an affair of the heart and mind. However, certain things might be pulling us back from exercising this act. External factors are unending mysteries that we cannot completely figure out no matter how old we age. Therefore let’s adopt David’s style of worship and watch God do wonders in our lives.

“Worship is a strong devotion to God rooted in truth. It’s a feeling of internal saturation AND deep emotions.”
3. Worship without contempt
King David was not just a mighty warrior, but he exercised kingdom authority. A raging Saul learns that God was about to appoint David as the new king and became malevolent. Stewing with jealousy and disdain, Saul conspired against David with 3000 hand-picked men, Saul’s act is a pure heart of contempt. Despite Saul’s actions, David trumped.
The lesson here is; heartfelt love for God conquers all hate. David could have as well reciprocated with vengeance against Saul, but he did not. Let love lead with expressive worship to God because love will always triumph evil.

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4. Worship that is remorseful

Even though the biblical records tell us that David worshipped God twice, we can savor the sincerity and remorse of David singing and playing those musical instruments. One of the two occasions was when David learned about the death of his child conceived in adultery to Bathsheba. The story described how David got up from the ground, washed, anointed himself with olive oil, changed his clothes—went into the house of the Lord to worship.
However, it might prove challenging to worship God, in terrible and overwhelming moments. And yes, David is calling us to take a leap and open our hearts to God because he’s got something for us in every situation.
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5. Worship that maintains a healthy relationship
Maintaining healthy relationships does not stop with families and friends; in fact, it starts with God. David was less concerned about the attributes that make him kingly but keen about his relationship with God. David’s relationship with God was not a scripted display. Instead, it was a personal enthusiasm for anything that involved God right from when he was a teenager up still the time he was laid to rest.
Just like David, you can build an intensely personal relationship that transcends the four walls of the church with God. A deeper connection with God starts with establishing a relationship with him, one that you are committed to it always.

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A wrap
David was always translating his daily experience into songs and prayers of faith. It might not be every day for you but leave out ample time to bond with your creator. It can be prayers, meditation, or worship in whatever form or style that seems cool with you.
Cherish everything that lets you absolutely commit yourself to worship without reservations. Remember being influential and prominent should not deny you of worshipping God because David was all of that and more and yet humbly worshipped God.
Does any of the lessons that King David teaches about worship apply to you? Please share with us in the comment section.