For the most part, our history textbooks here in the States love to portray Africa as an uncivilized continent. In schools, we learn about the Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, the Industrial revolution, and countless other ‘revolutions’ that all have one thing in common: they originated in Europe. Growing up and constantly hearing of European accomplishments and learning about history from a Eurocentric perspective, it’s not hard to see why there are still people who seem to think that everything great derived from Europe. Spoiler Alert: African history existed before slavery despite what textbook publishers want you to believe. Here are ten inventions that originated from Africa and have changed the entire course of human history.
1. Math
Contrary to popular belief, civilizations existed before Europeans ‘discovered’ them *gasp*. Ancient black Egyptians created the earliest numeric system on record, and they were also the first civilization to create and solve arithmetic equations.
2. Art
No, neanderthals were not the first species to create art. In fact, the oldest known artwork in human history was discovered in Blombos Cave in South Africa. It consisted of two pieces of engraved ochre depicting abstract designs and symbols.
3. Writing
According to Dr. Clyde Winters in his book The Ancient Black Civilizations of Asia, the oldest known form of writing developed between 5000 and 3000 B.C. in sub-Saharan Africa. This writing system has come to be known as Proto-Saharan.
4. Language
Yup, our stone-age ancestors in sub-saharan Africa were the first human species to develop a language system. A recent scientific study found that every language in the world can be traced to the dialect spoken by our African ancestors over 100,000 years ago.
5. Medicine
Although all civilizations had discovered how to use some form of medicine, ancient black Egyptians invented a concrete system of medicine that involved schooling for practitioners and written documentation of the methods of healing used. And let’s not forget that ancient Egyptians were also the first civilization to perform surgery.
6. Mining and Metallurgy
The industrial ‘revolution’ would have never happened had it not been for Africans smelting iron over 2,500 years ago. Ancient Tanzanians had been producing carbon steel long before Britain industrialized metallurgy.
7. Architecture
Despite the disturbing movement to prove that aliens were in fact behind the architecture of Egypt’s great pyramids (is it really that hard to believe that black people can create architectural masterpieces??), some of the world’s greatest and oldest architectural masterpieces are in Africa. The Pyramids of Giza, the Step Pyramid, the city of Great ZImbabwe, the Nubian Pyramids- all of these iconic sites are proof of the highly advanced system of architecture and engineering that ancient Africans developed.
8. Phones
If you own a phone, chances are that it is made out of minerals deriving from Africa- specifically the Democratic Republic of Congo. Cobalt is a mineral found in DRC that is used to make rechargeable batteries. The DRC is one of the richest countries in the world in regards to natural resources, and everything from copper and cobalt to diamonds and tin are found there.
9. The Calendar
Ancient Egyptians invented the earliest calendar system over 5,000 years ago. And the way that we divide our days into hours and then minutes? That is also because of Egyptians.
10. Cooking
This one’s pretty obvious considering how many flavorful and seasoned dishes come from the motherland. Ash that was found in a South African cave has led archaeologists to conclude that our ancestors were cooking with fire one million years ago.
Thank you sooo much. Being from africa and knowing its blessings and development i’m sick of all the negativ things i hear about it from those who has never been there.
Amen to that.. Life started in Africa as science itself has proven. Yet the propaganda fed by the media is that Africa is this poor, dusty land inhabited by starving ignorant people.
Thank you.
King regards,
Balle Raahauge
Egyptians were arabs/copts they belong to indoeuropean race not black race.
ANCIENT Egyptians were black bruh research it
er no .. perhaps you ned to actually read some world history ..
Egyptians were dark skinned and had African-esque features and Egypt is IN Africa. I don’t blame you though, my American textbooks depicted them as Europeans with blue eyes as well.
Africa was very primitive and still is in many ways. Why does this bring so much shame upon black people? A civilization doesn’t have to be compared to Europe to have self worth. Africa wasn’t nearly developed as Europe and it wasn’t slavery that destroyed this fictive hugely developed African society. It just was that – a simple,close to nature society, just like amazonian indigenous societies etc. And this appropriation of ancient Egypt by Africans must stop. It doesn’t even make sense. Why are there pyramids only pyramids in the northeast corner of Africa and not anywhere subsaharan? In fact there is nothing even close to pyramids or anything other architecturally in subsaharan Africa. Stop being ashamed of what Africa is, you are the part of the problem. Peace
U ignorant man. U so desperately wanna hold on to any white wash that is the figment of your white imagination…. Don’t tell African who they are or aren’t… Master your shameful white history and we’ll deal with Africa as Africans should. Go talk to your ancestors
bruh egyptians were blacks arabs came in the trans saharan trade yall should know that.
Phone mmmm grasping at straws. Alexander Graham Bell from Scotland and invented it in USA ring any bells
He “invented” the telephone just like Edison “invented” the lightbulb.
Did you not read it? it said that without Africa, there wouldn’t be the minerals to make the phones dumbass.
Faraday – electricity
Darwin – evolution
Newcommen – Steam engine
Parsons – Steam turbine
Michealagelo – where do i start?
Bach – musical masterpieces. but I could have said Beethoven, Vivaldi, Tallis, Elgar, Chopin, Tchaikovsky , Vaughan Williams et al
Concrete – Romans
Jenner – Vaccination (Smallpox)
Robert Boyle – Physics, gas laws
Brunel, Stephenson, Churchward, Gresley – Steam Locomotives
Berners Lee – Internet development
Babbage – programmable computer
Volta – electric battery.
They were BLACK. The hieroglyphics show them as black. Have you heard of the kush/Cush. They are from the black race
Your point being…u can’t rlly cover up ye fact that these were still invented by Africans no matter how much I try and deny it my guy
Thought writing was created by arabs
also egyptians were and are arabs
There are more Pyramids in Sudan than Egypt!
Ancient Egyptians were BLACK. Arabs came much later.
You know it doesn’t matter if Egyptians were black or Arabs because they’re still Africans.
Nope. They gave birth to our life, They are not ¨primitive¨ they have already passed far from others. Inventing some of the most useful things that we use today.
You’re talking about Egypt, Egyptians are Arabs.
Wow… this is unreal.. Where is Egypt located … people … AFRICA… Arabs.. are nationals of ARABIAN Countries… RACE… BLACK!! Know the difference between NATIONALITY ..RACE… ETHNICITY!!! ALL those countries are on the AFRICAN continent!!! These divisions were created by the white man to separate the oil rich countries! There is NO HUMAN RACE without AFRICA… the OLDEST CIVILIZATION on Planet EARTH!!!’ Read or google it’s basics geography!!
Yes The DRC… Democratic Republic of Congo is the RICHEST NATURAL MINERAL producing country in the world… used to provide the materials required to manufacture PHONES!!! Read people… knowledge is power!!’
The Human race came out of Africa – we are brothers and sisters and hatred of each other is the ruin of our species. I am so sick of all the anger and division.. from ALL who engage in it.
First of all, The black MOORS brought Europeans out of their dark ages and into the renaissance, It was BLACK PEOPLE aka AFRICANS who civilized the Europeans. Egypt IS IN AFRICA! And Egyptians were all DARK BROWN, until the Europeans white washed everything with lies & rape. Africa definitely should not be compared to Europe because Europe wouldn’t even be what it is if it wasn’t for the Africans saving them from their own extinction. So to say that Africa was not nearly developed as Europe, is false! Africa is immense. Africans taught the entire world Math, Art, Medicine, Writing, Language, Mining & Metallurgy, Architecture, Calendars, Cooking etc. That is a small list of things Africans invented/taught the uncivilized world. No one is ashamed of Africa. It is the richest continent. The entire world needs Africa, which is why it’s constantly drained for it;s resources, but Africa does NOT need the world. They need the colonizers to stay away is all. Unlearn that false white history and relearn the true history of AFRICA!
I have to contradict your article. There is no DNA proof that egyptians originally were black and came from Africa. So the contributions you list are in question.
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