Exactly 46 years ago, November 14th, 1973, the world watched Princess Anne, the only daughter of the current throne of England, Queen Elizabeth II, got married to a man the British Media has always referred to as a “commoner.” His name is Captain Mark Phillips. The ceremony was amazing. Many young people at the time must have watched the ceremony and melted. Who wouldn’t dream of such?

They swore an oath of commitment. The priest prayed and blessed them declaring that usual line we always hear in English marriage rituals “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder,” meaning, let no man break apart.
But then, there was one. Who “put asunder”?
Princess Anne and Captain Mark went on to have two children together, and later divorced. Several explanations had been given on why. According to the popular story, Mark didn’t want to be just a celebrity husband who is known for marrying a princess. He wanted to be “something” for himself, and so he went on committing to a passion of his: “horse related business”. This enterprise led him to often leave home for extended period of time, months at times. Princess Anne was lonely, and the bodyguard assigned to watch after her, Peter Cross helped alleviate the suffering. They stumbled into having a very ‘hot’ affairs.
But watch this video below and many others. Observe very carefully. Is there a chemistry between both? What is it that goes on behind most stories of marriage before the actual marriage ceremony? It appears that whatever that pre-marriage story is could often be the blueprint for that marriage.
The Stories Behind Marriage Stories
Princess Anne’s brother, Prince Charles, who was 25 years old on this day had a story behind his own marriage story: he was in love with someone else, and that person was not Princess Diana who he married. He wasn’t just contemplating on how he felt for Camilla Parker before his marriage to Princess Diana. His heart was deeply committed to her, hence a recipe for disaster, and a serious one for that matter. The cause of Princess Diana’s death cannot be completely considered without factoring into the case her marital problems. Something led to another.
So, again, who put Asunder in Anne’s and Mark’s Marriage?
Was it the bodyguard, Peter Cross? Keep in mind how fearful this whole thing must be for Cross. It’s fair to maintain a certainty that Cross won’t cross the line unless he was clearly led. It was just too thick a boundary to cross between a royal, married, and a principal (to Cross, Anne was the principal he was assigned to guard).
Was it Anne? The royal princess who was abandoned by a husband who found love in “horse business,” and who probably wasn’t confident enough at the time to call for a sit-down between her and Mark, and/or between her family and his to fix the problem.
Was it Mark? The man who was first a captain, and somehow felt the need to pursue a passion or an opportunity after marriage?
Was is it the horses? Let’s not exclude them! Humans tend to look for animals to take blames in big messes. Ever heard of “my dog ate it”? Or..snake swallowed the money?
Perhaps, it’s something else- totally different from all of the above: the pre-marriage story
Let’s extract from the couple’s marriage story and cap up some knowledge:
- Do make sure you are feeling your partner deeply before taking marriage steps. With good chemistry, your oath of commitment can be well supported.
- Find first your passion/desired career path/etc before taking marriage steps. These aforementioned are usually very integral part of our lives and it’s better that your partner comes into your life accepting them as part of your package. If we do otherwise, watch your partner competing seriously with that passion.
- Listen silently to your heart and go where it directs. Let no one, (ie: the Queen Mother, English society or whatever society, what’s acceptable and proper, etc) dictates your most important decision in life. If you are going to be in it for a long ride, better make sure that it’s pleasing to you alone first. It’s totally fine to be selfish and greedy making sure you pick your best. If you are committing, then commit to your own best.
Learning about Anne and Mark, what are your thoughts? Share your comments below.