Home Blog & Buzz How new immigrants can relocate to NYC and Land their First Job| New York Immigrants

How new immigrants can relocate to NYC and Land their First Job| New York Immigrants

How new immigrants can relocate to NYC and Land their First Job| New York Immigrants

Newyork City is a city that never sleeps and a home of over 3 million immigrants. Though most people say that the city is not for the faint-hearted, a large number of immigrants have achieved more. However, just like relocating to a new city, New York isn’t different, and will require you to do proper planning and have the right documentation. And, here is a low-down.

Do some background research

Before relocating to Newyork, you need to do some research and get to know how life is down there. If you are lucky to have a friend or a relative living there, you are better of. But in case you don’t, you don’t need to worry, because there are ways you can navigate through.

One way to carry your research is by taking a tour of the city. If you are well up financially, you can make a trip and tour the metropolis and get to interact with Newyokers. Visit some of the towns around and inquire more about the job market in the area of your specialty. Do more research on the cost of food, housing, bus fares and trains, and anything else you would like to know.

Do not focus on one place, take a tour around, compare the prices and get to know what works best for you. When looking for accommodation, check out in areas which are secure and which are near bus stations or any other available means of transport. Takes notes for every town you visit for later review and easy comparison.

In case you do not have the cash to tour the city, you can join online forums and interact with the community. Ask questions and what you would like to know. Once you have the information you need, now it’s time to prepare for your legal documents.

The documents you need

Getting your working Visa is one of the materials you will need before you start thinking about relocating or even hunting for that dream job.  Do not sit back and wait till when you land a job for you to start chasing your Visa.

Note that there are varied types of visa you can apply. For more details, you can check out your preferred visa type here.

Submit all the relevant documentation on time.

Alternatively, if you need fast processing, you can apply one through agents but be ready to part with some dollars.

In case you may be planning to relocate with your family, read and understand the immigration rules and ensure you have complied to avoid any inconveniences. However, moving with your family will be costly, and if possible it should be avoided if you do not have enough money to sustain your family before you land a job.

Though New York has many job opportunities, the job market is very competitive. You can check out some of the tips on how to nail your interview even when you do not have the skills for the job.

Prepare to relocate

Once you have everything you need, now it’s time for you to pack. Get all you may need and source for a shipping company to transport your items. This should be done early enough before you book your flight to avoid any inconveniences.

Contact your shipping company and get to know how long it will take for the shipping’s to arrive at the destination. Remember to read and understand their shipping terms. Go for companies that cover you for any loses or damages.

Book your flight three or two days before the actual arrival date for your shipments. This is to allow you to get some time to settle and organize for means to pick up your goods or else you will end up paying for storage fees.

Look for good accommodation

Do not look for a luxurious house that is costly, but instead look for an affordable home like one bedroomed house. You may upgrade later if need be. Consider some factors like the safety of the area, how far from the shops, bus stations and available means of transport. Pay for some few months and get the ball rolling.

Hunt for jobs

Take advantage of LinkedIn and other job postings on Craigslist or any other online job posting boards and drop your resume. Here are surefire tips on how to craft a killer resume.

Before applying for any job ensure you have changed your shipping, billing address, and zip codes. For a start consider applying for positions in Entry levels. Most expert jobs will require much experience, and since everybody is chasing for the vacancies, you may not be lucky enough to secure the position.

One mistake most people tend to do is to ignore those entry jobs and think they deserve better and well-paying job. Well, remember you have bills to pay, and before you get that dream job, you have to start somewhere. Don’t shy away, send as many resumes as you can.

If you are not lucky enough to land a job immediately, you can also volunteer, and who knows, you may connect with other employees in the company who may help you land a new job. Network with many people as you can. Try to reconnect with the community and attend cultural events.

It’s normal to feel lonely when you are in a foreign country. But do not let that put you down. Get to know people around and share. Connect with people from your country and interact with them and get to know their journey. This will help you network yourself and increase your chances of landing your next job. You can check out on tips to overcome discrimination.

When you land your first job, don’t stop there, keep looking for well-paying jobs. Interact with other immigrants and get to learn about their culture. Make more friends, connect, network your skills and wait for the results.


Moving to a new city can seem at time challenging, but this should not put you down. New York is a big city which has turned many immigrants’ dreams come true. At first, it may seem a daunting task, but with the right information, you can quickly adapt to the new environment. Don’t let your fear overwhelm you. Go out there, make a living, and chase your dreams.

How was your journey to New York as an immigrant? Please share your experiences on the comment section to help or encourage someone.



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