Home Blog & Buzz An Economist; Ex World Bank and W.H.O Staffer Says Covid-19 is Part of the Digital Identity Scheme

An Economist; Ex World Bank and W.H.O Staffer Says Covid-19 is Part of the Digital Identity Scheme

An Economist; Ex World Bank and W.H.O Staffer Says Covid-19 is Part of  the Digital Identity Scheme
Image of the World Bank edifice - Washington, DC. Image courtesy, By <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.flickr.com/people/shinythings/">Shiny Things</a> - <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/shinythings/153758214/">Flickr</a>, <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0" title="Creative Commons Attribution 2.0">CC BY 2.0</a>, <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2390362">Link</a>

A world renowned economist and an insider with the World Bank and World Health Organization puts forward his own theories about covid-19. Everyday people around the world are worried now. The world is for sure at one of its most vulnerable times. We are looking for answers so desperately that almost anything thrown at us can be gulped down without questions. And this also makes us the more vulnerable. The theories of this World Bank ex -man is tasty, but is it healthy and satisfying? Puzzles are still unsolved, and we doubt whether he should even be cooking this food.

His name is Peter Koenig. He is a renowned economist, a researcher, and author of many books. By many accounts, he’s an insider in the palace of the global decision monarchs. Koenig walks around with the credentials that boast 30 years of work experience with the World Bank, World Health Organization, and the likes. He is privileged in that he has been to many places that “regular” scholars can’t access; dug up many facts about how the world’s economy order should and shouldn’t run. He’s white, he’s male, and he’s sharp. 

Depending on what side of the aisle you stand, you may or may not appreciate the fact that Koenig is a Greek nationalist, a fan of the Kremlin, and a well-known critic of the corporatocracy.

Of all the many eyeball-commanding bullet points of Koenig accomplishments, one particularly makes him highly attractive: he knows so much. He’s a baby boomer who has lived through generation X, millennials, and now Z. Koenig carries a perspective that people need not necessarily believe, but should respect. 

In the last few weeks since the outbreak of Covid-19, Koenig has taken to several platforms to spill out his thoughts. In one, he sympathizes with China, and theorises that Covid-19 was specifically targeted at the Chinese people by the world’s hegemony. He argues that their attempt is to tuck China’s rising head back to its place, and to punish Italy for accepting China’s aid.  Like Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, what Koenig doesn’t dispute is the fact that Covid-19 was weaponized. 

In another, and the most recent, Koenig puts forward that Covid-19 is all part of the  ID2020 scheme, a digital identity card for everyone in the world minus the ghosts, the aliens, and other spirits (that is if you believe they live among us!). Koenig postulates that ID 2020 is the world’s corporate agenda to control the world including to force-vaccinate everyone and use digital data to track and segregate those that refuse. Indeed, the very idea of ID 2020 is quite scary, but it’s a topic for another day.

Assuming every point that both Koenig and Dr. Francis Boyle made are stupid conspiracy theories, the following facts still need to be reconciled: 

  1. Bill Gates of Microsoft, one of the prominent leaders behind the idea of ID2020 “prophesied” in 2015 a crisis mode caused by a pandemic virus like the Covid-19 we now see.
  2. The same Bill Gates, who resigned from his role as a board member of Microsoft  two weeks ago is also crusading the world’s digital ID as an initiative that can get people to vaccinate  for Covid-19 and track down those who haven’t. 
  3. Since ancient times,  the Asian and African world have always eaten wild animals including bats, and they are fine. Some of these games are often prescribed by local herbalists in treatment of one ailment or another.  According to a report, bat hunters in Wuhan, Hubei, China have antibodies against Coronavirus.
  4. Cases of virus transfer and/or theft between a Canadian bio lab, Winnipeg level 4 virology lab and two Chinese agents were reported in August last year.  These viruses, according to experts, can be very dangerous. Read more here and here.

The Puzzles and the Disturbing

The Puzzle:

  • The puzzle is unsolved still as no one can prove with convincing evidence that Covid-19 was weaponized, and all debates still exist in theory only.

The Disturbing:

  • It is disturbing that unlike John Perkins, Peter Koenig isn’t a whistleblower. He isn’t coming forward as someone who was once “lost” in his conscience and now “found”. As an economist and geopolitical analyst  for the World Bank for 30 years, it’s fair to drag him into many failed economic policies that the World Bank had dished out to struggling nations including the well known Structural Adjustment policies. Hence, Koenig has been a part of the problem. 
  • Koenig is smart and well connected. He probably knows each of the world’s leaders personally. We just can’t tell whose views he could have been clouded by.
  • A guy knows so much on how to decode viruses and develop vaccine expeditiously. His work largely influenced the development of HIV treatments worldwide. In 2003 during the outbreak of SARs, he was the lead consultant that helped the world fight this pandemic disease, and he did a lot of work too on fighting Ebola. His profile conveys that he knows these areas of work so much that he could almost do it with his eyes closed. He’s also from academia, so not a business man with some corporate-big bonus vision. He puts humanity first, and he’s the perfect go-to on all questions around bio-chemical and virus outbreak of this Covid-19 magnitude. He headed the Canadian Winnipeg Virology Lab (referenced above) until 2014 when he suddenly “quietly stepped down.” People are saying that he’s the only one the world could trust to clear off all doubts on whether Covid-19 was weaponized or not. For sure, his Covid-19 vaccine potion, if made, people would swallow down without a question. The disturbing is that we can’t go to him now because he’s no more. His name was Frank Plummer. He died a ” sudden and unexpected” death about 6 weeks ago in Kenya. The media seems to suggest that heart attack and/or his surgery from “alcoholism” killed him.

The bug of Covid-19 bites on as the world begs for answers and true intervention from anywhere. People lose their lives needlessly on what may be a natural disaster or man-made cause. But true, we are hungry; we won’t be fed with just any theories.

Keep all theories coming. Travel into the spirit world and speak like divine if you can. We’ll document them, and history will help make sense of them all.


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