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Consider these 6 Points Before Quitting!

Consider these 6 Points Before Quitting!

Do you know that 83% of US workers suffer from work related stress? And more than 43% employees say that their employers don’t care about the work life balance? That is according to the recent Gallup surveys.

We all do something to put bread and milk on our tables. A blue-flame career where everything is in synergy, and you feel motivated and challenged is actually a privilege, and realistically, not many are lucky with this. Sometimes you’d feel like getting the hec out of where you are now, and then begin to seriously consider a move. While feelings like these are normal, and the end result, if well calculated, is positive, it’s important to engage in a thought process that helps examine what you are really feeling. We must break down the issue and carefully define the problem we face at the current job. We must also do so without sentiment.

Is moving on the actual solution to the problem we have or that ‘we think’ we have? Is it the job, or is it you? Are you meeting the conditions that would make that job value you more, and that you can translate to more benefits somewhere else?

Read on and you’ll know how to answer these questions.

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  1. First of all, do you really want a new job? Or do you just want to get away from your nagging boss or an irritating colleague? If any of these is the case, a shift from a different department or a branch could be a solution. Plus, you keep complaining of being managed in certain way, but have you tried to manage your boss? Yes, you read that right! Practically everyone needs to be managed.
  2. How are you playing in the field? Are you one of the players, or are you the ball?
  3. A new job may demand for new skills and qualifications. The question is, are you willing to invest your time and energy to attain those? In fact, you have the first 3 months of probationary period to prove to your new job that you’ve got what it takes to deliver, otherwise in most cases, they can dismiss you for “no reason” at all.
  4. Now if you are thinking of shifting to a job in a new industry or a field altogether, no matter how experienced you are in your current job, it may not count. Definitely expect a pay cut. Are you willing to work for a low pay for some time?
  5. Since you are moving on to a new “promising” job, how do career advancement, training opportunities, and promotions look like? Are they seemingly difficult to attain? Do you have to put in more efforts to climb the ladder?
  6. If your move is concerned with stress or work-life balance, think whether this new job will be less stressful and let you manage your work-life balance. Trust me I’ve met people who changed their jobs and then kept complaining how good the old job is!


Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, the answer might just lie in moving on. This is totally fine, but be prepared. Consider all angles, and have a game-plan in place.


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