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6 Tips On How To Nail Your Next Job Interview

6 Tips On How To Nail Your Next Job Interview
Source: Shutterstock.

The job seeking process is no doubt a difficult, lengthy, and strenuous ordeal. Between updating your resume and crafting personalized cover letters for employers, the search for employment can undoubtedly be overwhelming. But if you’ve made it to the stage where you finally scored an interview, then you’re just one step closer to landing your potential dream job. Here are five tips that you can use to nail your next interview and land that job!

1. Dress The Part

There’s nothing that makes a worse impression than a job candidate who shows up to an interview looking like a disheveled mess. According to Forbes, a new survey published by recruiting firm Adocco revealed that one of the leading mistakes millennials make when going to job interviews is dressing inappropriately. When in doubt, you can never go wrong with a black blazer, a dress blouse, and slacks or a knee-length pencil skirt.

2. Come Prepared

Make sure you print at least two copies of your resume- one for you and one for your employer. And of course, bring your own pen!

3. Arrive Early

There’s nothing that screams unprofessional than a candidate who shows up late, or even just right on time for the interview. Make sure to arrive at least 15 minutes early. You want to make it a point to show your employer that you are punctual and came prepared and ready to start.

4. Use Positive Body Language

Head nods, smiling, laughing, and direct eye contact are all ways that you can use body language to further convey your interest in working with the employer. However, don’t overdo it. Forced laughter does NOT make a good impression, and can come off as phony and disingenuous.

5. Research The Employer

Do your research on the company, individual, or organization you are applying for. Employers will be impressed to know that you did your homework and are not just blindly applying to whatever job position will hire you.

6. Ask Questions

Another way to convey your enthusiasm and interest in working with an employer is to ask questions to your interviewer. And think outside of the box, don’t just stick to the mundane “what are the responsibilities of this position, etc.” type of questions. Be creative (and of course, appropriate) with your questions, as it can be one of the hallmarks of your interview that will set you apart from other candidates.




USAIG is a media organization that focuses on African immigrants in the United States. We offer community content and promote African identity. We support personal and professional development of Africans and immigrant community in the US. We consult on cultural based training focusing on inter-generational relationships between African youths, parents and community, and we facilitate diversity and inclusion training workshops.


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