Home Blog & Buzz 6 Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Covid-19. Make a Pick

6 Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Covid-19. Make a Pick

6 Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Covid-19. Make a Pick

This expert is coming out boldly about the Coronavirus and Ebola – he claims and proves that they are biological weapons – read till end and watch video.

As people strive to escape the bite of Covid-19, many can’t seem to avoid the score of conspiracy theories that fly around the social media on what caused the Covid-19 to begin with. Some of these theories can sound absurd, highly disturbing, and weirdly entertaining. 

Ingesting or blocking off your mind to these theories will largely depend on your social background, existing knowledge, the sphere of influence around you, and your economic status.

Let’s get right on to the list:

  1. In case you haven’t come across it, there’s a theory out there that Covid-19 is some type of biological weapon prepared by countries to attack each other when needed. To learn more about the proofs supporting this theory, watch the video below or read more here. Someone even went as far as putting out there a video where Saddam Hussein of Iraq was once  venting to his cabinet in 1990 that the US threatened Iraq with Covid-19. Hussein’s daughter has since taken to twitter to dispute that her father isn’t the one speaking on the video.
  2. There’s a conspiracy theory that covid-19 is aimed at messing with the US 2020 presidential election- either by Russia, Nazi’s or another force out there. The theory insists that the timing is just too close to call a coincidence.
  3. Covid-19 is a “cover-up” by the government to break into the encrypted data of the rich and famous pedophiles like Jeffery Epstein‘s.
  4. Many fortune 500 CEOs are reportedly resigning at an unprecedented rate. Conspiracy theory posits that many “top-notch” people of the world knew about covid-19 way ahead of time, and that their resignations have some correlations that are weird to explain. 
  5. One theory posits that the real conversations about covid-19 are classified. The CDC, WHO, and many other world’s giant health institutions have a different version that’s different from what’s shared with the public.
  6. Another theory states that there’s just more to Covid-19 citing the story of the doctor whistleblower in China, who linked covid-19 to what he believed to be a family of chemical weapon, SAR. He sounded the alarm and warned others. He was reportedly fired by his hospital, then arrested by the Chinese authorities, and died two weeks after.


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