Home Afro Gospel Gist 5 Practical Principles To Honor God With Your Finances

5 Practical Principles To Honor God With Your Finances

5 Practical Principles To Honor God With Your Finances

Whenever an issue relates to handling finances, saving for future emergencies, or cutting off irrelevant splurges, we never think it connects to Jesus. Fact: Jesus cares a great deal about how we manage our finances. In 16 of the 38 parables in the Bible, Jesus focuses on managing finances and handling possessions. There are probably times you wish to support special ministries or give to the needy but can’t because your finances are a mess. Not that you don’t earn enough, but because you never pay mindful attention to your outflow. Hence, we will be highlighting five practical principles to honor God with your finances.

Follow these principles, and you never have to struggle with overspending. Let’s get to it!

1. Tithe 10% of All Earnings

honor God with your finances

10% of the first portion of our income, called “tithe,” is outrightly for God. Luke 11:42 confirmed it. Tithing is one of the most important principles for handling finances and honoring God. It’s a primary indicator of whether we are wholeheartedly devoted to Him. Many Christians suffer and wallow in financial bondage because they ignore the first step of building a godly financial plan.

2. Don’t Neglect Paying Taxes.

honor God with your finances

According to the law, we should not neglect to pay taxes: it’s our right. Matthew 22:21 reminds us to give Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. However, we should keep in mind that actual tithe is based on total earnings, not what is left paying taxes. Roman 13: 6-7 vividly teaches us to honor and respect authorities by paying taxes because they are God’s servants. 

3. Pay Attention to Family Needs

family needs


Catering for the needs of relatives, especially immediate family, should be a priority. Some of which are: food, clothing, shelter, transportation, health insurance, etc.

Anyone who does not cater to their relatives, most especially to their own family, has denied their faith and is worse than an unbeliever, 1 Timothy 5:8

Make a good life insurance plan. It pays. There have been situations where once the breadwinner dies, the family is left destitute because of an improper financial plan.

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4. Stay Away from Debt and Depreciating Items


While it might sometimes be okay to acquire items that fulfill instant gratification, it is not the best if it is being acquired in debt. But if this desire goes into items like houses or properties that appreciate with time, you are on track. In all, be sensitive to investing in items that will earn you enough to support the things of God. 

5. Maintain a Positive Cash Influx

honor God with your finances

Maintaining a positive cash flow means acquiring more than you spend every month, even after several deductions. It has never been a wise decision to spend more than you earn. Imagine earning $100 and spending $120: a recipe for misery and ruin.

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A wrap 

To successfully honor God with your finances, watch out for these signs of materialism:

  • Compulsive purchase of items
  • Reluctant to give God the top portion of your income
  • Discontent with what you’ve acquired
  • Splurging or borrowing money to buy depreciating items

Following these principles, we help us unfold how to allocate our resources biblically. And we will be delighted to see God maximizing these resources through us for His glory.






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