Job-related stress is one of the things most people do not talk about. And as much as everybody dreams of having a stress-free job, sometimes it can be difficult to run away from work-related issues. Studies have shown that most work-related stress is associated with toxic leadership. Usually, when most people are faced with such challenges, they start undermining themselves and think that they are not good at anything and no one appreciates them. And the moment when you feel you are not having any impact on the organization, you start thinking about quitting your job even when you are too passionate about it.
Running away from problems does not solve them anyway. In case you may be a victim of bad leadership, I would suggest not to quit but instead put these tips into practice. But before we look at how you can deal with a toxic boss, here are some of the common causes and impacts of work-related stress.
- High workloads
- Long working hours
- Low salaries
- Lack of support from seniors
- Unsatisfied bosses
- Poor management
- Lack of passion with what you do
Impacts of uncontrolled stress
Some people have the perception that when they leave work, they will get over the stress. This is not true. When you have a job-related stress, managing it early enough is the best way to go about it. When ignored, mental stress can affect you mentally, physically and emotionally.
When work-related stress is at its early stages, you may experience severe headaches, insomnia, mood swings, reduced concentration, and low self –esteem. When not managed early enough, you may have chronic stress, and before you realize it, you will be fighting depression, heart complications, weak immune system among others.
Tips on how to manage job-related stress
- Identify the cause of your stress
As mentioned earlier, work-related stress can be caused by several factors. And to successfully manage your stress, you should first identify the cause. For instance, if your stress is due to low pay, it is good to look for a better job that pays you well.
Some organizations may be willing to pay you well but they may not be in a position to due to financial constraints. However, do not quit your current job before you land another one because bills have to get paid anyway.
- Do what you love
Another cause of job-related stress is doing something that you are not good at. Handling tasks you are not good at will drain you and limit you in, other areas where you can have great impact. For you to have an impact, you have to love what you do. You may be specialized in different fields but you cannot be good at everything. There is always that job you enjoy doing. Try and talk to your seniors and let them know what you enjoy doing and see if something can be done.
- Understand your boss
Understanding your boss well involves taking a keen look at how he or she does things. How does he react to issues? How does he make decisions? What drives him mad? What motivates him? All this will allow you to know and understand him better.
A better way of doing this is by writing down in a notebook all the encounters and the reactions. Keep track over a period of time like say a month or several weeks.
- Avoid being too emotional
Nobody is always perfect, and occasionally your boss may make decisions that according to you, he or she may be wrong. Your boss is your boss anyway, and even if he is on the wrong side, expressing yourself in an emotional way does not make things any better.
Learn to control your emotions in such situations and handle the issue professionally. Understand your boss is a human being and sometimes people make mistakes.
Never ignore questions that need your response. But instead, reply in a professional way. When emotions get the best of you, you can try taking deep breaths to get more relaxed before responding. Accept corrections and take them in a positive way. One thing most employees have is having the perception that their boss hates them and never appreciates them. Learn how to take corrections in a positive way and avoid repeating the same mistakes and life will be smooth for you.
- Learn how to prioritize jobs
Sometimes handling workloads can be at times draining. But if you know how to prioritize jobs and be ahead of schedule, everything will be running smoothly for you. Have a list of time-critical jobs and handle them first. If your boss is on your case because you did not present the required reports on time, try next time to prepare them early enough and leave them on their desk. This will make things easy for you.
- Learn how to get over issues
It can be challenging to brush off everything after an argument with your boss, but it can be done, only if you learn how to get over stuff quickly. Do not be a victim of the past and hold grudges with your stressors. This can impact your productivity levels and increase your stress.
And when your productivity levels go down, you will find it hard to meet deadlines and before you realize it your boss on your case. Which in this case, you will be triggering your mental stress. Remember you are there to help meet the organizational goals and when you are not a team player, the company may decide to do away with you.
Do not sit back and watch your stressors make you lose your job. Simply teach yourself how to get over issues fast and concentrate on your job.
- Track your time
If your mental stress is due to excessive workloads, tracking your time can help you beat deadlines. Do not spend more time or the entire allocated time for lunch but instead, utilize some of this time to reduce the workload. Seek clarifications when instructions are not clear. It will help you save time and do things right.
- Avoid making decisions by your own
One of the mistakes employees do is making decisions without consulting. Just because your boss is not good at making decisions and you are good at it, does not guarantee you the right to do so. The best way to go about it is to approach your boss professionally and give your suggestions. If they turn down your suggestions, do not feel bad. Sometimes leaders have to make tough decisions and if things do not go as expected they are held accountable.
- Keep boundaries
Most people when they are stressed or are not getting along with others, keep talking in circles. Others do not even care whom they are sharing the information with. One of the organization killers is rumormongers. In case you do not get along with your boss at work, avoid holding discussions you’re your coworkers.
For those who have worked in different organizations, you will agree with me that every company has moles. And if you have been a victim before, I’m sure you would not like to experience it again. Some people get over issues when they share or talk around it. If you are the kind of people who feel relieved when you share your challenges with others, then I would suggest not to share it with your workmates. But instead, try to share it with a family member or your best friend whom you are not in the same organizations.
- Have a strategy
Mental stress can be challenging to deal with and at times its good to undertake health and well-being activities like yoga, regular exercise, eating healthy, and meditating. If this does not work, try consulting a medical practitioner.
Work-related stress is something almost every employee is facing. However, learning how to re-structure your thoughts and maintain your state of mind can help you conquer it. Do not let mental stress affect your job; learn how to control it by implementing the above tips.
Have you ever been a victim of toxic leadership? How did you get along with the situation? Please share your experiences in the comments section to help someone who may be a victim. If you are facing job-related stress, feel free to share and we will be glad to help.