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Black is more | 5 things to make you feel proud...

Just the other day, I among thousands of others worldwide participated in protests against unlawful killings of blacks like George Floyd. Well, these ‘fights’...

Africa’s Hidden Beauties: Top African Fashion Hubs to Visit

Outside of the continent of Africa, people often confuse the motherland as one country. In movies we often see Africa portrayed as this desolate...

Top Afrobeat Artists Youth Should Look Out For In 2020

Aside from all the discouraging violence and deadly disease that has rocked 2020, there is some hope. Hope for art and for music. For...

Afro Latinas: Identity and Inspirational Quotes

Afro Latinas- Racial tensions in the United States have increased and become recorded more frequently. From white neighbors calling the cops on black families...

Cool Fads in Black Beauty Trends as 2020 Unfolds

The COVID 19 pandemic has entirely rearranged how we work and interact. Seeing people in your community has become a rare encounter. Working from...