Home Afro Gospel Gist Powerful Nuggets from Apostle Joshua Selman’s Teaching at Koinonia

Powerful Nuggets from Apostle Joshua Selman’s Teaching at Koinonia

Powerful Nuggets from Apostle Joshua Selman’s Teaching at Koinonia
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Apostle Joshua Selman’s Teaching at Koinonia

Three reasons to believe in the concept of “Greater Works” from the Scriptures:

1. Jesus Himself said so. (Numbers 23:19)

2. The believer has been given authority through Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 10:19, Ephesians 2:6)

3. Every believer has access to The Spirit of God on account of the finished work of Christ. (Acts 1:8, 10:38) It is widely acknowledged that Jesus performed numerous miracles. Yet, Jesus Himself emphasized that believers would accomplish even greater works.

When Jesus spoke of “greater,” He meant “greater.”

However, our comprehension of “greater” should be examined in the context of Scripture. Each time you hinder others from experiencing the life of God, you ultimately hinder yourself and may experience weariness in fulfilling your divine assignment. Empowering others to become witnesses for the greater works mandated by Jesus for every believer is essential. No single believer can fully reveal the entirety of God’s glory. One believer might reveal His favour, while another showcases.

Apostle Joshua Selman's
Photo credit: Instagram

His healing power to the nations. Why Greater Works? The ultimate goal for “Greater Works” is that God’s knowledge and glory fill the entire earth, thereby drawing many to Jesus. (Habakkuk 2:14, Isaiah 40:5).

The Spirit of God will again be poured out upon all people, regardless of age. Individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life will access power by The Spirit of God. (Acts 2:17).

“We are in an era where revealing the fullness of God’s glory is crucial to solidify people’s faith without room for doubt, as belief won’t come easily (John 20:31)”. — Apostle Joshua Selman.

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Greater work will result in greater convictions.

Greater convictions will bring about greater salvation in all ramifications. And with greater salvation, there will be a greater acknowledgement of Christ in the world of men. (John 4:48, 20:30-31, Daniel 3:28-29).

To impact nations, you must begin by transforming your Jerusalem, starting with your life and family. There are certain things God desires that can only happen through prayer.
God moves when people pray: He hears when you cry unto Him, but He moves when you pray. (Matthew 18:19, James 5:16, Luke 1:19) — Learn to pray as a habit, not as an emergency response system. Prayer enlarges and expands your capacity.
A wrap
Underestimating the power of prayer is like sleeping when others are working and expecting to be successful. God has done the larger part of the work to redeem our souls. And He has given us the liberty to choose Him. Choosing Him means yielding to every instruction He commands. Are you ready to yield?


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