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3 Actionable Tips to Conquer Porn Addiction

3 Actionable Tips to Conquer Porn Addiction
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It is not unheard of that porn addiction is prevalent. The unwanted compulsive sexual urge that consummates the mind can be a difficult one to contend with. When combined with the daily unrest and distress, it is very easy to give in to the sexual fantasies of porn. However, any advice or tricks you find to soothe your way out of addiction can be always helpful. Most time, the advice people get on this subject usually tint toward spiritual and behavioral change. 

You may have come across some of these:

  • Censor the content and privacy restrictions on your device 
  • Discard all manner of temptations or trigger around you
  •  Seek counseling 
  • Pray, repent, and study the scripture 
  • Plug into a church community 

All of the measures in this checklist are true to a fault. But most people still struggle because they often don’t recognize the underlying reason behind this advice or measures. 

For instance, why do you censor your content and privacy setting on your device? Because you don’t want to see content out of consent. 

Or why will you decide to join a church community, pray and read the Bible? Because you want to be accountable to people who can help and submit to something bigger than yourself. 

Consequently, the benefit of this advice or insight overshadows the less obvious benefit, which is the impact these practices can have on your mind and emotions. 

In light of this, here are the three unpopular but actionable tips to help you avoid the demons of relapse and hasten your recovery in no time. It will arm you with the ability to make thoughtful decisions around your mental and emotional well-being.

1. Take a walk with Mother Nature 

Taking out time to absorb nature’s fresh air is a therapeutic experience. When you take a walk, it clears your mind, improves your mood, erases memory clutter, and restores motivation.

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In a study to determine how 120 people respond to nature, it was found people who looked at a natural setting had higher heart rates, reduced stress, anxiety and better recovery than those who viewed urban picturesque, which indicates that nature has a big impact on one’s mental stability.

2. Exercise as often as possible 

Most people are oblivion to the importance of exercise to the brain and body when trying to conquer porn addiction. You must know that the mental state impacts the physical state; likewise, the physical state impacts the mental state. Moreover, exercise is not just beneficial for the heart and lungs, but it improves brain health. Sometimes it can be the recipe to unlock your integrity and ability to make value-based decisions. 

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Photo credit: Pexels

A 2019 report by the College of P.E. and Sport showed that 69 participants were divided into one of two groups. While one group participated in eight weeks of mind-body exercise, the other did not. And both groups were required to undergo an emotion regulation task to evaluate their emotion regulation ability before and after the intervention. The study result proved that only participants in the intervention group uncovered remarkable improvements in emotion regulation ability. Unlike any other recommendation, exercise impacts implicit emotion regulation and enables you to make better decisions even in stressful circumstances. 

3. Be intentional about meals

It may seem weird on the surface that diet has a role in helping one conquer porn addiction. But it begins to make sense when you understand the critical role good nutrients play in how you feel and think. In fact, it is a borderline between your critical thinking mind and emotional health.  

Photo credit: Pexels

How? According to the Academy for Addiction & Mental Health Nutrition.

“[When we experience a reduction in our glucose supply, we reduce] willpower and the ability to say ‘NO.’ [Additionally, reduced blood sugar] results in a surge of adrenaline and other stress hormones, which impair effective signaling in the prefrontal cortex. Executive functioning is impaired, leading to a lack of use of recovery and relapse prevention skills in response to a relapse trigger. A hypoglycemia-induced stress response may also stimulate a conditioned response towards using addictive substances and behaviors.”

The logic center of our brain is found in the prefrontal cortex and which is responsible for engineering our ideas and actions in relation to our values and goals. So when we skip meals, we lower the sufficient supply of glucose the brain needs to function properly. With a high level of induced stress, this wrecks the effort to conquer the urge for sexual addictions. Embrace a good diet ethic because your brain needs the right nutrient to function correctly. 

You may also like: How to Defeat Terrifying Addiction with Godly Altar

Bottom line

You must understand that none of these tips holds weight if you are not deliberate and consistent with them. These recommendations are helpful for emotional wellness and mental balance. 



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