Home Afro Gospel Gist How Christians Can Pray for Ukraine and Russia

How Christians Can Pray for Ukraine and Russia

How Christians Can Pray for Ukraine and Russia
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It is not false to say that the world has always been in turmoil. However, every time when it seems like peace is looming in the air, new disasters mushroom again. Each day we hear of different international problems such as a pandemic, famine, economic instability, etc. But this time, it’s the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. On the 24th of February 2022, Russia swoops on Ukraine, igniting a war between the two countries.

Mother Teresa once said, “peace beings with a smile.” Of what hope does peace holds in our nations when smiles have become a rare entity. As Christians, we should intercede in prayers for nations, especially Ukrainians. The question running through our minds should be how can we pray for Ukraine and Russia so that peace can reign and people can live in love and harmony. 

Without digging through right or wrong, here is how Christians can pray for Ukraine and Russia.

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Pray for the Ukrainians

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We pray for Ukrainians, especially those who do not have the means to escape. Also, we ask that God uplift and shine His mercy on as many who can’t uproot from their homeland in these challenging times.

Pray that love Conquers Power

pray for ukraine and Russia
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Politics is power. “When the power of love conquers the love of power, peace will reign,” Jimi Hendrix said. This is a great building block to commence our prayers. We shall pray that the world leaders who are active participants in making decisions concerning this Ukrainian crisis realize that the love of power is vanity if the world knows no peace. Proverb 21:1 tells us that God owns the heart of the Kings; we pray that He will nurture and direct the Ukrainian president, NATO head, Russian president, and every other great world leader involved. This will make them realize that they are mere stewards in His vineyard, just like the rivers of water; He can turn them wherever He wishes because He (God) is the supreme. 

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Pray for the people suffering, Soldiers and Civilians alike

 As Jesus prayed for peace for His disciples, He likewise wishes peace for us today. After Jesus’ resurrection, one of the things He told His disciples was “peace be unto you.” The scripture never ceases to remind us that Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith among all others. This means He is sufficient and able to sustain in times of trials and tribulation. There is nothing good about war because it deprives us of our humanity at the end of the day, leaves long-lasting trauma, and in most cases, causes death.

pray for ukraine and Russia
Photo credit: Pexels

According to the United States Intelligence estimation, if there happens to be a violent invasion, more than 40,000 people will die, and approximately 5 million souls will become fugitives. Hence, we must pray for the people suffering, both old and young, soldiers, civilians, and every beneficiary on both sides of the crisis, Ukrainian and Russians alike. Pray that God touches every leaders’ heart, so that can feel and understand the vulnerability of the marginalized.

Pray that God touches Vladimir Putin’s heart

pray for putin
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With each passing day, fear is mounting up for trapped Ukrainians. Although Vladimir Putin’s father was an atheist, He was born to a devote Christian mother. Putin is known to have been cautiously identifying himself as a champion of Christians in Russia and other parts of the world. But a Christian champion does not trample upon human rights or act like a cut-throat monster. Putin blames the united State and NATO for the unrest, but media analysts have made it clear that he wants Ukraine and other soviet allies to be under the control of Moscow. This reason and more is why we need to pray for Russia that God touches Putin’s heart.

Pray That the Crisis Does Not Result in Economic Instability

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Considering the steady hike in goods and services, it is close to impossible that this will get any better. Hence, we need to pray for global sustainability so that this crisis will not lead to economic instability. Countries with poorer economic stability are even more affected by this shock. However, we pray that food and commodity prices are stable and its provisions are available for the general populace.

A wrap

As everyone watches the events unfolding in Ukraine, we want to remind our Afro Community of the power they have—the power of prayer. Prayer brings hope, unity, and strength. Let’s join together and ask God to comfort, protect, and provide for the people of Ukraine who are on the receiving end. In one accord, we pray for Ukraine and Russia!




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