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3 Important Questions to Ask During Courtship according to Pastor Mildred Okonkwo

3 Important Questions to Ask During Courtship according to Pastor Mildred Okonkwo
Photo credit: Freepik

Singles are the ones who still have the chance or privilege to get it right. But if you are already married, it’s never too late to get a sit down with your partner and ask all the necessary questions and commit your union into God’s hand.

“My dear, being single is not a punishment; it is not a curse rather, it is a blessing”.

Singlehood is a season for you to know yourself better; instead of trying to date others, date yourself. It is a season of blessing and a season where you should maximize your time very well.

Before getting into marriage, it’s essential to ask some questions to ensure that you’re making the right decision, which include;

1. Does this relationship worship God? 

Every part of your life matters to God. If your relationship somehow reduces your divinity and makes you question your Christianity, then it doesn’t make sense to take it to the next level; make sure that the person you are planning to marry does not make you hide your spirituality. God must be involved in every relationship; your relationship must glorify God.

If we want to reflect Jesus and glorify God in our relationships, we need to follow His example of serving others. This means that we must serve our partner in the same way that Christ serves us, as it is written in the Bible: “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

2. Is the relationship really working? 

So many people get into marriage when the relationship is not really working. They just want to get married. Some of us go into marriage through some fake prophecies, and now the marriage is having problems; where are those prophecies? Don’t rush into marriage because you think your time is going; don’t allow anyone to put pressure on you. Someone training you in school is not a guarantee to marry that person. Make sure that there is a connection in your relationship before proceeding to marriage.

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3. Is it worth it? 

Don’t marry someone because you want to change your name; make sure it is worth it. Has your relationship benefited you in any way? Is there any change in your life through that relationship? Is there any reason you should take your relationship to the next level?

Wrap up

Marriage is not a contract that can expire; it is a lifetime commitment. Be wise when making decisions and in asking important questions, and in making those decisions, learn to ask for the grace of God so that you won’t make a mistake when choosing a life partner.


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